The American Arrested for Partaking in Congo Coup Attempt Isn’t a CIA Agent, Or Is He?

Earlier this week, three Americans were apprehended after allegedly engaging in a plot to overthrow the Congolese government.

By Braden Bjella

Published 10 months ago in Wow

Earlier this week, three Americans were apprehended after allegedly engaging in a plot to overthrow the Congolese government.

Earlier this week, three Americans were apprehended after allegedly engaging in a plot to overthrow the Congolese government.

“[Christian] Malanga, described as a naturalized American by [Congolese Brig. Gen. Sylvain] Ekenge, was killed in a shootout at the palace after resisting arrest. The State Department said it could not confirm Malanga was a U.S. citizen,” reads a report from ABC. “The other two Americans involved were a convicted marijuana trafficker and Malanga’s 21-year-old son, Marcel.”

The “convicted marijuana trafficker” in question was a man named Benjamin Reuben Zalman-Polun. Forgive me for being a little conspiracy-minded here, but doesn’t this stink a little bit like the CIA?

Congolese soldiers arrest an American citizen involved with a coup attempt
byu/Nastyfaction inPublicFreakout

Let’s examine the evidence. First, ABC News reports that Malanga and Zalman-Polun met “through a gold mining company that was set up in Mozambique in 2022.” A bit suspicious for a marijuana trafficker to suddenly get into the Mozambique gold business, but hey, apparently they were also getting into the vape business, too. You gotta diversify!

However, from here, things get a bit weirder, as claimed by X/Twitter user ParaPower Mapping.

Is this cold hard evidence? Absolutely not. But does this make me want to throw up a bulletin board and start covering my room with yarn connecting one person to another? Of course — and if the CIA gets me for doing it, well, it was nice knowing you all.

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