'They Just Passed on the Best Supply Chain Manager in the Country': Guy Unironically Posts His Tesla Rejection Letter

Hugo Martínez is a Tesla shareholder and “soon-to-be Model 3 owner.”

By Daniel Bonfiglio

Published 1 year ago in Funny

Hugo Martínez is a Tesla shareholder and “soon-to-be Model 3 owner.”

Hugo Martínez is a Tesla shareholder and “soon-to-be Model 3 owner.” As a lover of all things Tesla, it seemed like a logical next step to apply for a job at Tesla’s new Monterrey plant in Mexico. Unfortunately, his application for “Logistics Manager, Supply Chain” was rejected.

So he went on Twitter and he posted a photo of the rejection letter. “They just passed on the best supply chain manager in the country,” he wrote. Almost 150 thousand people saw the post, and it didn’t take long for many of them to call B.S.

Martinez seems positive and motivated, and many people were quick to offer him condolences and encouragement. Others, however, wanted to get to the bottom of his ‘best supply chain manager in the country’ claim. “If you were hired, what would you change?” one person asked. His answer left much to be desired.

“I guess HR already asked that,” one person joked. “I would just like, to sell more cars,” another person mocked.

Martinez’s Twitter bio reads “You win some, lose some. It's all the same to me.” Hopefully, that means he’s not taking his rejection too harshly, and that the delivery of his Model 3 will cheer him up.

In the meantime, he might want to reassess his skill set before making another go at a Tesla gig. 

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