This Is Why You Don’t Hop the Guardrails at the Grand Canyon
Warning signs are there for a reason.
Published 11 months ago in Facepalm
Warning signs are there for a reason.
Warning signs are there for a reason. Whenever you read a warning like “do not attempt to feed the crocodiles” or “keep gasoline away from open flames,” it’s doubtlessly there because some dumbass tried it and paid the price.
Another sort of “warning sign” is a guardrail. To put it simply, some things are high up. If you fall off something that’s high up, you’ll get seriously injured and possibly die. To prevent that from happening, a guardrail is installed. Get it? Good, because this guy sure didn’t.
To give some backstory, a woman and her family decided to visit the Grand Canyon for her birthday. While they were there, they saw a dude named Cole Wagenknecht hop over the railing to get a better view of the canyon. I’m not sure what he thought a dozen foot drop was going to do to improve the view, but he was apparently set on the idea, ignoring the pleas of everyone around him to please for the love of God stop doing that.
Well, he would soon get that request from God himself, as he lost his footing and tumbled almost 200 feet into the canyon. “He never came back up and stayed motionless at the edge of the big drop to the bottom of the Canyon,” writes OP in the video’s original caption. “911 was called and a helicopter arrived in 5 min but it took hours before they were able to rescue him.”
Unbelievably, Wagenknecht survived the fall and even managed to give an interview to his brother about what happened.
According to the video, Wagenknecht had collapsed lungs, a broken back and neck, needed a tracheotomy and now has several major scars. Other than that, totally fine!
So on your next visit to the Grand Canyon, just enjoy the absolutely breathtaking view — and only hop the railing if you’re looking to give your skull a sunroof.