So… It looks like the Saudis did 9/11. Sorry for putting the blame on you, Bush.

Ever since 2001, there’s been significant discussion about possible Saudi involvement in the attacks. After all, 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens, and in the years following the attack, a slew of evidence has come out about the various ways Saudi people and the government itself could be linked to the lead-up to the events.

There was also that one time where they threatened to do it again, only to Canada.

Now, a pretty shocking video has been released that appears to show a Saudi special agent scoping out the Capitol building. In the video, he points out various entrances and exits, notes the people who work at the building, and makes reference to a “plan.” This was filmed in 1999. Not suspicious at all, I’d say.

One of the crazier details about this story is that we’ve had this footage for ages. It was found in the days after 9/11, alongside a “handwritten address book that the lawyers for the 9/11 families say was filled with phone numbers of numerous senior Saudi officials who were in the government at the time,” per CBS News.

What’s the Saudi explanation? It’s a tourist video. The Saudi agent simply filmed all of the details of the Capitol and directed it at his boss for the memories, I suppose. Maybe the “plan” was just a trip to Buccee’s or something.

In short, I don’t know what it means, but it certainly doesn’t feel good.