Have you ever wanted to nuke Los Angeles? Dear God, I hope not. But in case you’ve ever wondered about what dropping an A-bomb on Malibu might look like, wonder no longer — the people of Corridor Digital are here to visualize your every desire (or, if you’re normal, fear).

Their video, which features a guy with a shockingly chipper attitude given what he’s describing, shows a variety of atomic bombs of differing sizes and what their impact would be on Los Angeles. It also goes over the history a bit, but if you don’t care about that, just skip to the five-minute mark — or skip down below to see a TikTok someone made stripping out some of the more annoying parts.

In short, things would be bad. Like “skin melting off your body” bad. Everything in striking distance of the explosion would either be immediately destroyed or set on fire. If you’re not dead from the fire, you’d be caught in the shockwaves — which are so powerful that they can knock over buildings. After the first shockwave, wind would be pulled back toward the center of the explosion, which would in turn feed the fires and cause fire tornadoes.

Like I said, pretty bad.

If you’re wondering just how lethal this would be, the death toll would be incredible. As the video shows, the most powerful nuke ever created, tested by Russia in 1961, would kill about three million people if it were dropped on Los Angeles. Good thing we’re not ratcheting up tensions with Russia or anything!

The sad part is, as many noted in the comments on both YouTube and TikTok, those who didn’t die would likely still be asked to go about their everyday lives. As one user on TikTok joked, “I think they would still ask us to go into work.”