Whatever happened to Mumkey Jones? 

Mumkey Jones is a Youtuber who had his account terminated last year after a string of upload removals. 

Tyler James Miller created his account on March 15, 2016, originally title Mumkey's Anime Reviews, later shortening it to Mumkey jones. His account focused largely on tongue-in-cheek anime reviews but quickly veered into darker and more absurd territory. 

At this time he made a movie with the infamous Assburger (Brandon Ocampo), who was a co-creator of a lot of Mumkey's videos but was later arrested for domestic abuse in December of 2018. According to the video by SLB Productions (below), Tyler was responsible for calling the police on Brandon, which immediately ended their collaboration and friendship, souring all of the work that they had previously done together. 

According to the fandom wiki, shortly thereafter he received three strikes on both of his main Youtube channels, terminating them. Five of the six of those strikes were around videos he had made around Elliot Rodger, the 22-year-old that killed 6 people and injured 4 more in the 2014 Isla Vista massacre. Youtube had cited that Mumkey had violated their community standards around "shocking, sensational, or disrespectful manner." After a failed attempt to reclaim his accounts, he decided to start using his gaming account which was subsequently terminated. 

Trying to find a way back into Youtube he started a new account called "Simian Jimmy" which focused away from the edgier content that his fans came to know and love which resulted in a low adoption rate to his new channel. 

After a live-taping of his podcast in New York Mumkey met a fan at a bar after his girlfriend coaxed him into being more social, he started cheating on her with a young fan who goes by LiuTheKitty. This lead MrMeatMan to pretend to have a friendly conversation with LiuTheKitty which he recorded and released, where he makes some extremely serious allegations.