One lady learned that a game warden is never off the clock.

Game Warden Cannon Harrison of McIntosh County found himself matched on a popular dating app with a boastful poacher. Cannon (who has the most game warden name I've ever heard) couldn't believe his luck.

He expressed his incredulity to the Washington Post.

Honestly, the first thing I thought was that it was someone who was messing with me because they knew who I was. It seemed too good to be true.

He shared screenshots of his conversation with poacher on the Oklahoma Game Wardens facebook group.

Warning: the photos she sent were a bit graphic. Vegans take heed.

Hunters on Facebook picked both her poor hunting technique and decision making skills apart.

After their brief conversation, Harrison did a little digging online and found her location. Wardens descended on her house the next morning. She immediately pled guilty to hunting deer out of season and paid a number of fines.