Mysterious USB Drive Sparks New Zealand Wildlife...
- Volunteer Leopard Seal poop sifters made an unusual...
Media articles
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Liam Neeson Pretty Much Admitted To Being A Racist And...
- Liam Neeson went a little crazy and said some...
Anti-Vaxx Mom Gets Roasted After Asking How to Protect...
- Shocked by her seeming obliviousness to the simple...
Good Guy Manager Defends His Employee from a Ranting...
- Wingstop manager to the rescue.
The Unexpected Rise of Shaggy As An Internet Powerhouse
- Everyone's favorite stoney scardey cat is back, and...
Saints Loss Made One Louisiana Eye Doctor Take Drastic...
- Opportune family optometrists are offering their...
Drug Sniffing Dog ODed While Screening for an EDM...
- Jake the dog found drugs on a passenger entering the...
To Catch a Predator Host Chris Hansen Arrested in...
- The 59-year-old allegedly failed to pay a $13,000 bill...
Huge Explosion At Power Plant Transforms The New York...
- Is this a superhero origin story in the making?
Carlton and Backpack Kid Who are Suing Fortnite for...
- Fortnite dance creators want a cut of that cash cow....
This 1.7 Million Dollar RV is The Stuff of Dreams
- Complete with it's own "garage" this bad boy will make...
Local Hero Builds A Giant Middle Finger To Get Back At...
- Ted Pelkey, a Vermont man, discovers a whole new level...
Ivy League Student Goes On Pro-White Rant
- Columbia student Julian von Abele gives an impassioned...
Soulja Boy Is Trying To Sell Some Barely Legal Gaming...
- Soulja Boy is trying to sell you a barely legal gaming...
Tumblr Puts a Countdown Timer on User-Submitted Porn
- The microblogging site has had enough of your...
The World's First Robotic BJ Sex Toy Hits the Market...
- Set to hit the shelves in March 2019 after crushing...
The Saga Of Dwight Howard's Sexual Preference Is The...
- An alleged former boyfriend of Dwight Howard has...
Group Poses as Scholars to Expose the Ridiculousness...
- They submitted intentionally broken and nonsensical...
The Trial Of "El Chapo" Has Revealed How Crazy He...
- Some crazy stories are coming out about this drug...
Soundcloud Rapper About to Go to Jail for Over 6ix9ine...
- Tekashi69, his recently fired manager and 2 other...
Toy Company Selling "Build The Wall" Lego Styled Toy...
- The newest addition from a website selling toys with...
- A 2017 rumor that Taylor Swift was being escorted...
Corpus Christi Police Destroyed 400 "Pot Plants" Only...
- An embarrassing incident for the cops, as the clueless...
Dubai's Police Department is Adding Hoverbikes to its...
- Check out the Hoverbike S3. This thing is badass but...
Japanese Guy Marries His Anime Doll/Hologram
- Akihiko Kondo married his Anime wife earlier this...
Trans-age? This 69-Year-old Man Who Identifies As A...
- A Dutchman is trying to legally change his age from 65...
A Passenger Carrying A Grenade-Shaped Belt Buckle...
- A woman caused a mass panic at the train station when...
This 6'8 340 Pound MONSTER is About to Turn the MMA...
- Martyn Ford is an actor and a bodybuilder who will be...
Harvard Scientists Say That An Alien Probe May Have...
- Harvard scientists using the power of math and science...
Idiot Wears KKK Costume to Bar's Costume Contest and...
- Surprisingly, this is not in Alabama but Arkansas.
Activision is Giving Destiny 2 Away For Free
- Last year's hyped game can be yours for zero dollars.
Woman In Racist Viral Video Is Now Missing
- Susan Jane Westwood went on a drunken racist rant that...
This Actor Admits To Cutting His Own Arm Off To Get...
- Todd Latourette, cut off and cauterized his right arm...
Reese's May Have Just Won The Halloween Candy Game
- Reese’s unveiled its new “candy converter” set...
Infamous Crime Boss Whitey Bulger Killed in Maximum...
- James Whitey Bulger murdered in a West Virginia Prison.
The Venice Marathon Foreshadowed an Environmental Mess
- Runners in the 2018 Venice Marathon faced hazardous...
The Navy's Electromagnetic Railgun is Truly Terrifying
- Watch a projectile go through steel plates at Mach 7.
Man Getting Sued After Posing As Marijuana Smoking...
- Mark Scott has caused an uproar over a marijuana...
Police Arrest Daredevil Who Illegally Climbs 750ft...
- Climber Alain Robert, also known as the "French...
Utah Senator Tries Weed for the First Time
- Jim Dabakis was in Vegas and decided that he should...
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