YouTuber Farts on Strangers for Internet Clout

One gaseous YouTuber turned internet clout into internet cloud, landing in hot water — or should we say hot air — after tricking store customers into letting him fart in their faces in pursuit of those sweet, sweet clicks.

By Carly Tennes

Published 1 year ago in Funny

One gaseous YouTuber turned internet clout into internet cloud, landing in hot water — or should we say hot air — after tricking store customers into letting him fart in their faces in pursuit of those sweet, sweet clicks.

One gaseous YouTuber turned internet clout into internet cloud, landing in hot water — or should we say hot air — after tricking strangers into letting him fart in their faces in pursuit of those sweet, sweet clicks.

Unlike several of his predecessors (looking at you, YaNike) the unidentified wannabe influencer began the now-viral video with a moment of shocking self-awareness.

“I love how we’re like, exploiting nice people to just s—t in their face,” he can be heard saying while traipsing down the aisle of what appears to be a supermarket.

Yet this kindness was short-lived. Moments later, the social media personality spied a random stranger in the store’s flower section, enticing him to partake in his video under false — and a lot less stinky — pretenses.

“Excuse me, sir, we were wondering if you want to be a part of our campaign,” the influencer asked his fellow shopper. “All you have to do is get on your knee, point at the camera with a big smile on your face.”

While the shopper initially agreed — “yeah, sure” he told the YouTuber — he quickly came to regret that decision, the influencer ripping a massive fart directly in his face.

“Are you stupid?” asked the visibly irked shopper in what may be the rhetorical question of the century.

Their stunt quickly captured the concerns of a supermarket employee, who did her damnedest to get these kids the hell out of her store.

“I’m sorry guys, you have to leave,” she continued before ushering them out of the store. Despite facing a handful of farts herself — “You know what I think about growing up?” asked the creator before letting another one rip – the employee remained steadfast.

But even with all of the YouTuber’s best efforts, adding sound effects and nearly risking a run-in with the cops, it appears these efforts were ultimately in vain. His content — much like his farts — most definitely stinks

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