
5 Weird Reported Cases Of Rape

5  Weird Reported Rape Cases

    I know what you must be thinking. "Dude, rape isn't funny and you can't make it funny." I agree with this. But all I'm doing here is that on it's own, it really is funny sometimes. And also just some of the most bizarre shit hat you have ever heard of. Here are a few of such cases:

5)    Eight year old arrested for rape
    To protect the names of the people involved, names have been changed. An eight year old was released on bail after being arrested for raping two women. His brother and uncle were also arrested and were believed to have been involved. I guess in some cultures rape is a family affair. And I also like to believe a van was involved.
    Sahil, the reported rapist, kidnapped two women with the help of his brother and uncle. How did they help? And why the fuck were they helping an eight year old do such a terrible thing? Was he the brains behind it and they were merely his lackeys? Or was he actually much older and had some kind of disease that made him look like an eight year old? Who the fuck knows. 
    They were reported to have beaten them, raped them, and then dumped them in a field. After all these events, Sahil returned to school. That's just fucking insane. So he's in school, and either had planned this event out possibly for months to get it down perfect, or just said "Fuck it. What's the worst that could happen?" and went on to recruit his brother and uncle to aid in the crime, or be his scapegoats. 

    At only eight years old, Sahil has already become a hardcore criminal. He thought he master minded the crime so perfectly that he returned to school like nothing happened. ( He was so harcore that the women didn't report the crime. One of their husbands did. Sahil was born a criminal. Later he was arrested and released on bail. He promptly fled the country and has been on the run ever since. 

2) Woman raped twice in less than an hour
    Nothing says that you have shit luck like a case like this. Or you live in a really bad area. This took place in Brooklyn so let's go with the bad area, and a sprinkle of bad luck.

    She was leaving the bar One Last Shag. An English named bar in Brooklyn? The fuck is that about? ( It's ironic that all this happens after leaving a bar with such a name such as that. Maybe the two suspects thought that "one last shag" meant treat every opporitunity with a woman like it's gunna be your last.

After hearing about this, the bar changed it's name to "One Last Shag. Please don't rape anyone when they leave. It's bad for business."

    After being attacked by the first guy, she came across a man and asked him for help. This guy in turn attacks her as well ( This was clearly not a good night for her. This wasn't the average case of blowing off some steam after a long work week. All this happened at around 5 AM. Was the work weeek that bad that she needed to do that serious of drinking? Or maybe she's just a raging alcoholic. 

    It's said that she was walking home when she was bear-hugged and thrown to the ground. You know. That's the amount of force required to bring a drunk girl down. Attacking her after she tripped over her own shadow wasn't an opporitune time? Anyway, he threatened to shoot her, stole her purse, and then ran off.

    After this ordeal, she stumbled away only to be in the same situation again only with a different attacker. The suspects are believed to have been working together. The attorney of the second attacker said it was a case of mistaken identity and the it was a "delusional fantasy". I don't know about you, but no matter how drunk I was, I think I'd know how many times I'd have been raped in one night. They were charged with several crimes. 

3)     Woman raped during job interview
    This one starts out innocently enough with a mother of four looking for a job as a housekeeper for a millionaire who owns an IT company. It gets pretty grizzly soon enough.

    The person offering the job was Mark Giannini. I assume he's the type of rich lazy prick who is too into his money to take care of the simple things in life.

 Here's where shit goes down. A friend tipped her off that this guy was looking for a housekeeper. Leaving out the possibility of being sexually assaulted. Before even getting to call the guy, he just shows up at her job. That's not weird at all. Oh no. Not in the slightest.

    She said he was driving a red Lamborghini. Of course this was a good reason to get into the car with this random guy. 
    Another day he shows up to take her to see the house. Why not drive your own car? Would the minivan look bad to the Lamborghini? Probably. Upon arriving at the house, he offered her a drink. She of course accepted, not knowing how these situations usually turn out. After the drink, she says that she has to go home. Mark, not creepily at all, tells her that she can't leave. 
He performed several sex acts on her. He went as far as to piss on her while she was in the pool. Really? The pool? Other people go in there man. The graphics are a bit to much to mention but there in the article link I posted up there. Some were done on an American flag towel he placed on his bed. He desecrates the flag too? This guy is a monster. We can only assume what happened before  he told her to clean herself out with an enema next time. He told her this was all part of the job interview. 

    After more of this hellish abuse, she blacks out. The next thing she remembers is waking up at a hospital. 

    Just check out the list of items that were found in his house. It's in the report that they found sex toys in pretty much every room of the house. It's in the link to the news article I posted up there. 

4)    Woman rapes son's friend
    This case can come off as being a kids first experience with a cougar. Sadly that is not this case......At least as far as we know. 

    A boy claims his friends mother forced herself on him and made a video of the event to blackmail him into a relationship that lasted for three months. (

    The sixteen year old victim, was said to be going to his friends house to meet him there. He wasn't home and his mother said he can wait there for him to show up. Nothing was weird about this. I've been invited into friends houses many times while they weren't home.........Wait a minute.........Have I been a potential rape victim for years and never known it? 

    She offered him a drink and he accepted. Again no reason to have any alarm go off. But of course like any other sexual assailant out there, the drink was spiked. He blacked out and later woke up to find out that he had been raped and the event was video taped and used to blackmail him into having a relationship with her. 

  Things only became weird when his parents noticed changes in his behavior. He either was happy about getting laid all the time, or he was always drained of energy from getting laid constantly. 

    His parents said, "he look scared and his health was deteriorating." What in the fuck is that about? Was she a succubus using him just to fuck the life out of him? ( 
 This would scare the shit out of me too.Or give me the weirdest boner ever.

    To add insult to injury, she claimed to be pregnant to add to the blackmail. This bitch has crossed the line now. At least she took him out for some good wine and dining. 

5)    Seals sexually assault penguins
    Yup. You read that right. Just let it sink in for a minute. How is this possible you may be wondering? My thoughts are exactly the same. (

    Biologist Bill Haddad and his team were shocked when they made this discovery. Rightfully so. Who would ever thing that Salty the Seal would ever do something so terrible?

    By the fourth time, yes they watched this shit go down four times, they thought that it might be a trend. How does something like that become a trend? Who's the asshole seal who talked up sexual assault on penguins and made it popular? Maybe the penguins were askign for it. Seals hate how they always strut their stuff.

Researchers from the University of Pretoria in South Africa were taking weekly elephant seal censuses. Apparently elephant seals are terrible at mailing back census forms on time. Shockingly, they saw what they believed to be a fur seal mating with a penguin. ( Did they stop this terrible crime? No. Of course not. So what did they do? They wrote a fucking paper about it. And probably filmed it while they were there. After the attack, they interviewed the penguin to ask about the emotional damages.

    They also witnessed it happen again in 2009, 2011, and 2012. These horrid acts have never been seen before. Well no shit. Who would ever want someone to see them doing something so terrible? In all cases, it is reported that the seal chased, captured and mounted the penguins. They attempted to mate with the penguin multiple times with rest in between assaults. To ensure the victim wouldn't get away, the seal kept them pinned down while they rested.

In all but one case the penguins were released. Except in one case the penguin was killed and partially eaten. That penguin threatened to snitch and had to be dealt with accordingly. 

    The assaults are believed to be done by a group of seals they named "The Bad Boys Club". The attacks occur on a beach they named "Bachelor's Beach". The Seal Lion chapter of the Crips is not happy with this. 


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