
7 Real Life Diseases Provoked by Video Games



Gaming a small amount of time every day is not bad, but this becomes an addiction that can become very dangerous.

Many gamers can go so far that they can lose track of time, spend days without sleep, stop bathing or take care of their hygiene and appearance, isolate themselves from the people around them, some stop eating others instead eat excessively, all this because video games become a drug as powerful as cocaine. 


6.- Mental problems and aggressiveness

Studies reveal that a person who is accustomed to playing every day tends to be more anxious and depressed when they can not play, also in the case of children it has been shown that playing violent video games cause them to dream in their real life of violent fantasies and aggression.


5.- Convulsions

That's right, videogames can cause a photosensitive epilepsy which is caused as a result of what they see on screen, mainly what most affects are the red flashing lights, which generate seizures.These cases are minimal but they happen. 


4.-Tetris effect

This effect can be given in all games, however it takes this name because it was discovered as they were given many cases with the game of tetris.  The tetris effect is when you see the game in real life in a way that you can not control. 


3. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

It has happened to all of us, that after occupying the computer or playing a lot of time, you feel numbness, tingling, weakness, or muscle damage in the hand and fingers.

This is a common syndrome and most players suffer varying degrees of it, the sad thing is that in some cases people suffer severe injuries. 


2.- Disconnecting from reality

 Many video gamers feel that their life is boring and does not make sense, that is why they live more inside the video game.
There are cases of people who have girlfriends or boyfriends they met online and who have been with them for years, and have never met in person and do not even know what their faces look like.

But this is not the only thing, there are other people who not only fall in love with another player,  some are in love with the game characters, be they beautiful girls or strong men who really do not exist were only created by a programmer.


1.- Death

This case is very extreme and sometimes occurs with Asian players who really live to play, for that after performing marathons of up to 72 hours of play, they have collapsed on the ground  dead. This is caused by heart failure caused by the effort of play and is that after spending hours without sleep, barely taste food or do your physiological needs, being focused only on the game, your body can not stand it anymore and game over happens in real life.

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