
advantages and disadvantages of eating chicken

1) Keeps blood pressure under control – In a research it has been revealed that the blood pressure of children and adults who consume chicken is controlled. Chicken reduces the risks of blood pressure.

2) Source of protein - Let us tell you that chicken is considered a good source of protein and if you consume chicken then your body will become strong and the lack of protein in your body will be fulfilled. Those people whose body is a little weak, they should definitely consume chicken.

3) Strengthening of bones and teeth – Bones and teeth are in dire need of calcium and if there is a lack of calcium in the body, then the bones and teeth become weak. In such a situation, consuming chicken can be beneficial because calcium is found in abundance in chicken, which strengthens bones and teeth.

best way to eat chicken

There are many ways to eat chicken but you should consume chicken in the right way. For this, you eat chicken after frying or frying. In the morning, you can have chicken with burger or roll for breakfast. In case of some problems, chicken can also be eaten after frying with less oil and less spices.

Disadvantages of eating chicken - side effects of chicken

Although chicken is considered to be very beneficial, but if it is consumed excessively, it can also cause damage and today we will tell you under what circumstances chicken can cause damage.

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