
Back to the Belt!!

Yes, here it is again!! The back to the belt blog. I've had posts like this before but it came up a few different times today and I just had to talk about it.


Fuckin kids today are a disgrace. They have no discipline, no respect, no humility. They act like they rule the world and don't owe anybody anything, and yet down to damn near the last fucking one of them, they're a bunch of punks that will shrivel up, tuck tail and run back to their mommy at the first taste of failure. Both of these problems can be credited to societies newfound intolerance for physical discipline.


Now, granted, there's a line that isn't to be crossed. That line distinguishes the difference between beating your children and simply punishing them, and in some areas it can get pretty thin. At the most extreme, for example, I wouldn't be against taking off my belt and leaving a welt on my kid's ass that she'll be feeling for days. Again, that's the most extreme... she'll have to do something ridiculous to earn such a punishment from me. I rarely have to do more than raise my voice, and even then I only need to bark "Hey!" and follow it with "What do you think you're doing?" and she's right back in line again.


Why so responsive, so obedient, when so many children these days can be seen launching into scream-fests arguing with their parents, and even HITTING their parents!! I'll tell you why... it's because she knows what comes next. When dad raises his voice, you have two options... Option A) stop doing what you know you shouldn't be doing, or Option B) try to rebel against Dad's rules. Rebelling against Dad's rules only has ONE POSSIBLE OUTCOME, and that outcome is a big red handprint on your ass and plenty of time in a corner to think about how smart it was to choose option B. This outcome is absolute... it is the inevitable result, occuring without fail every single time Option B is chosen.


Sounds mean to most of you, I bet. And yet, do you know how many times I've given my daughter a smack on her ass? Twice. She's in her terrible twos btw, so you can imagine how often she misbehaves and lands herself in hot water... so isn't it amazing that she's only ever gotten smacked twice? How can this be? Well, it's because the smack always, and only, follows the raising of the voice... which gives her all the opportunity she needs to avoid it. And so she does.


Fear of consequence... this is what keeps all of society in line. You can try to make the argument of human decency all you want, I'll just direct your attention to every single instance in history where any populated area was left - even briefly - without any police of any kind. Instant rioting and looting. Amazing how fast decency flies out the window when you remove fear of consequence, isn't it? Human decency is an illusion, and it's one that's created by fear of consequence. People behave themselves because they don't want to answer to the penalties of misbehaving, simple as that. This concept is ONLY effective if those penalties are severe enough to be feared... gentle and easily tolerated penalties will do very little to dissuade misbehavior.


Yet she's a little hellion for her mother. Her mother can't keep her under control worth a damn. Bizarre, no? Same little girl, totally different behavior. Again I ask why? Could it be because her mother thinks that showing infinite zen-like patience makes her a superior child-rearer, and she won't lay a hand on our daughter until she's already misbehaved to such extremes that she wouldn't have DREAMED of trying around me? Why yes, I think we might be on to something!! She acts like that around mom because she knows she can walk all over mom like a fucking carpet, but Dad is the one who'll bring down the wrath and put the fear of God in her soul so she's a perfect little Angel when I'm around... which ironically means I very, very rarely have to do ANY of the mean things that are keeping her in line to begin with!! It's a lot like nuclear deterrence. It'll probably never come to that, but you know it's there and that scares the piss out of you so you don't dare to take any chances.


My own upbringing is another example of how this works. I learned right and wrong at the end of my father's rhinestoned leather belt. Just to use one very common example, let's use teen sex. I'm talking early teens, like 15, 14, or even younger. If you suggest the idea to any mother or father out there of their child losing their virginity at that age, particularly daughters, they will assuredly begin having thoughts about the boy responsible that would make a coroner curl up in the fetal position, vomit and cry uncontrollably while begging God to please burn away the horrible visions from his brain forever.


But it happens. The PC policy these days is prevention through education. "Well, they're going to do it no matter what so we may as well teach them to do it safely." You've got to be fucking kidding me. That's a cunthair shy of flat out encouraging them to do it. Do you know how old I was when I lost my virginity? 20. She was 18, and also a virgin. I'm sure some of you will take stabs at me for that one, be my guest, you'll find yourself hard-pressed to make me ashamed of anything. I certainly didn't wait that long because I wasn't interested or didn't have opportunities.


No, I waited that long because I was terrified that if I so much as thought unclean things about all these 16-year-olds-and-unders who were teasing me, my father would somehow read my mind and "beat some respect into me". Respect for females was another thing I learned at the crack of his belt. I've never once cheated on a girl, and I've defended the honor of more than I can count, some whom I didn't even know but simply witnessed being publicly mistreated. You don't come across old fashioned values these days like the ones my father taught me.


And do I think he could have taught me without putting the fear of that belt in me? Fuck no he couldn't. He could have tried like hell, but what reason would I have had to listen? Respect for my father? Please. I was a kid, where the fuck is this respect going to just magically come from? I was too young and naive to appreciate his worldly experience and all the things he could teach me. I wanted to be independent, and so like all teens I would have just been like "Whatever old man, you're behind the times and I'm living in the now, so I know better than you. You don't understand anything." That's just the way they think. They're not going to just magically respect you just because you tell them to, not until they're damn near old enough to move out, and by then it's too late to really teach them anything.


Ok, I'm done.

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