
Can I Say a Grand Fuck Off?

To start with, I would like to say, a Grand Fuck Off to Obama and his Media Staff for the blatant bullshit they spread across the world. I want to say, A Grand Fuck Off to all the newspapers who have given up on informing people as to what the fuck is going on. Closer to home, I want to wish local media a Grand Fuck Off, for informing me, a Mexican, Brazilian and Ecuadorian  restaurant opened up in my area. I tried it. It was horrible. You get the Golden Globe of the Grand Fuck Off! I get horrible memories and a blockage to South American cuisine. 

I want to extend a Grand Fuck Off, to the alternate media and the now defunct main stream media for intentionally writing headlines and the first few paragraphs in sensational terms. I get the whole, "Headlines grabs the attention" thing, but unfortunately that's about all the average person reads! 

I want to wish a Grand Fuck Off, to all the psychopaths in industry, the gravy train of political correctness and all the assholes aboard, the LGBT "Love me because, I fuck anything on four legs. 
I reserve the grand daddy of the Grand Fuck Off, to those who attack others for their quiet thoughts about the nature of the universe and what it means to them. 


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