Child molesters need to be thrown in jail FOREVER.
I saw this on
And it got me to thinking that we need to be harder on these types of so-called human beings. It seems to me as soon as you touch a child in an inappropriate manner you GIVE UP YOU RIGHTS in society period. These pieces of shit need to be locked away FOREVER. They cannot be rehabilitated, they cannot be fixed, and they certainly cannot be allowed to walk around in public searching for their next victim.
Now before you start posting any crap about They deserve a chance to TRY and be rehabilitated OR theyre sick like alcoholics are. Hear me out. These kinds of people are hard wired into doing these kinds of acts. They either get off on it and/or they view it as something they need to do. Either way the only way to stop them is to lock them up and throw away the key. These things they do to children arent like being an alcoholic. If an alcoholic has a relapse and drinks a bottle of vodka chances are he is the only one who pays for it. Yeah, I know there could be other problems: What if he drives his car? What if he beats his wife? Well, those are things that MIGHT happen. If these sick fucks fall off the wagon somebodys kid IS going to get hurt or worse end up dead.
I also don't see this as a Liberal or Conservative view. If you see it as such you REALLY need to stop, back away from your political party and stop seeing EVERYTHING in the news as slanted left or right. Sometimes things are just what they are. This is a common sense view.
It is time for judges to be hard on this scum. Throw them in jail until they get hauled out in a casket. Let them get raped and feel what their victims felt. And for the sake of everyones kids STOP LETTING THEM OUT ON PAROLE hoping they come around. What the fuck do you think they have been thinking of doing when they get out prison all those years? Getting a burger and a coke at McDonalds? NO. These guys fantasize about this stuff 24/7. They have been thinking about their next victim and how long its been.