Cosby Kids
The other day i had these horrible gas pains. It felt like i had a huge fart coming, so naturally went to expel the gas from my anus. Much to my surprise that it was not actually a fart, but in fact it was a huge pile of doody. At the time i was at the kitchen table eating dinner with my family, and they were soon to catch a whiff of the aroma. In such a case the poopysmell tends to linger as there is not only gas but also a large heap of foofoo. I calmly approached the situation by saying "Excuse me i need to use the bathroom." This did not help for the they noticed and unusual lump in my pants. Someone then asked, "Did you shart yourself?" I replied "No," and continued on my way. The after I reached the bathroom, i threw out my boxers, washed up, and dropped of the rest of the Cosby kids at the pool.