damn you PETA.
seriously, shut the fuck up already. chicken is tasty, steak is awesome. fish...meh. im not a big fan of fish.
all your gay ass liberal democrat whiny antics are soooo tiresome. people eat meat. we have done if for thousands of years, and will continue to do so. so quit bitching. i swear... on all that is holy.. if your bullshit protests one day get my right to eat meat taken away... im going to fucking lose it.
and the protests in front of stores like home depot and lowes about selling torture device... fuck that. i have a house, i pay the mortgage and bills. so what if i dont want mice, ants, cockroaches, spiders etc freeloading off me. do you want to live in a rodent / insect infested house? i think not.
you negoiate with the little fuckers and get them to pay rent, then maybe we could work something out but untill then......RENT OR GTFO.