Discover Your Inner Racism
I found an experimental test online today that supposedly tells you whether you are unconsciously prejudice towards blacks or not. The test was created by the Stereotyping and Prejudice Research Laboratory at the University of Chicago.
Here's how it works...
Once you begin, you will see a series of images that will depict one of four things; (1) A white man with a gun, (2) An unarmed white man (holding a wallet or cell phone), (3) An black man with a gun, (4) An unarmed black man (once again, holding a wallet or cell phone).
As the images flash on the screen, you must push either the "/" button on your keyboard to "shoot" the armed man before he shoots you, or push the "Z" button on the bottom left of your keyboard to "holster" your weapon when viewing an unarmed man, indicating that he is not a threat. If you hesitate for more than 1 second, you will receive negative points because you took too long.
At the end your reaction times are averaged and according to the hypothesis, you will have a shorter reaction times when you "shoot" the armed black man because of your subconscious racism. Inversely, your reaction times will be slower for an unarmed black man, because it is counterintuitive to your preconceived stereotyped notions about race.
Here were my reaction times:
BLACK ARMED: 717.6ms (milliseconds, or 0.7176 seconds)
Most likely this test doesn't prove anything, but it's interesting to see if perhaps your subconscious mind is prone to racial judgments. Here's the link:
I am JohnnyBax, and I shot black people .007 seconds faster than white people.