
Enlighten us, CarGirl

I thought this would be a better place for you to post your answer. So few people go past the first page of comments, it would be a shame to let a pearl of wisdom like this one to go unheard by the masses. Here, everyone can see exactly how intelligent you really are!


Let me tell everyone what came about. I commented on that time-lapse body-art feature, "Body art. It's like a tattoo, only for pussies!" It was a stab at the guy who decided to spend 13 hours having a fairly badass dragon drawn onto him with colored markers that will wash off the next time he decides to bathe (btw, here's hoping he doesn't decide to forego washing himself in order to try and keep it longer).


Enter CarGirl, who announced that I was trying to be "hardcore".


Now this is something I always wonder about when people bring it up. What, exactly, makes a person "hardcore"? Forget the fact that this is the internet, and being tough on the internet is kind of... well, impossible. Your text isn't going to be any tougher than the next guy's. I mean anytime, anywhere. Real life included. What are the qualities that define a person as "hardcore"?


Obviously CarGirl not only knows the answer, but is able to identify whether a person exhibits or lacks these qualities by reading text on a computer screen. SO, I would beg her to satisfy everyone's curiosity and put this question to rest once and for all. Please, CarGirl, tell us how a person can be "hardcore".


EDIT: It's Monday morning, and CarGirl still hasn't answered the question. All she's done is claim that I'm making false accusations and twisting her words, and insisting that if I had posted the entire conversation then it would be obvious. SO, here's the entire conversation!!


 Kaustic: Body art. It's like a tattoo, only forpussies!!

CarGirl: So the only cool art form is tattooing.Yeah ok, you are like so hardcore.

Kaustic: You have a special talent for totallymissing the point, don't you?

CarGirl: Oh you mean like claiming body art isfor pussies unless its permanently done?No I got your failed attempt at tryingto be hardcore.

Kaustic: Yeah, that one. I have to ask, since youbrought it up... how exactly does one goabout being hardcore on the internet? Imean... it's a computer screen. Is theresome magic word you can say (type) thatmakes you hardcore? Or does tellingother people they're not hardcore makeyou hardcore? On second thought, youtook my original comment as questioningthe artist or the art form, so thatmight be a bit much for you. Don't hurtyourself.

Kaustic: Wait, scratch that, I have a betterquestion for you. What, exactly, makes aperson hardcore? Forget whether it'sonline or in real life, I just want youto define the qualities that make aperson "hardcore". I'm curious.

Kaustic: Come here, Girl.


SO... like I said. I took a stab at Mr. 13 hour wash-off dragon (Body art. It's like a tattoo, only for pussies!!). CarGirl told me I was "hardcore" (So the only cool art form is tattooing. Yeah ok, you are like so hardcore. - and - Oh you mean like claiming body art is for pussies unless its permanently done? No I got your failed attempt at trying to be hardcore.) According to CarGirl, when I say she told me I was trying to be hardcore, I'm twisting her words, lying, not telling the whole story, etc etc. Well, there's the convo, read it for yourself.


I'm still waiting for her to tell me what makes a person hardcore. I'm beginning to think she doesn't actually know, but then... telling someone they fail at being hardcore when you yourself don't know what being hardcore means would make you a total moron, wouldn't it? I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she does know, and there's some other reason she still hasn't told us.

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