Everyone is so angry!
In the past few days i've noticed that everyone is so angry and uptight. People are talking reckless and have no regard for other people's feelings or well being. Everything from politics to religion to lifestyles are causing individuals to lash out against each other. The information age has given everyone the opporutunity to sit behind their computers and attack anyone with out any recourse whatsoever.
Of course in the real world most people wouldn't open their mouths for fear of being knocked the hell out. Turn on the television various groups are griping and complaining about any and everything. What is the problem? Maybe it has always been this way but with technology abounding everyone is out of control with their rhetoric of racism, political affiliations, etc, etc. Has our society entered the age of immorality? Are values being replaced with self absorbtion? in the words of the honorable Rodney King "CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?"