
Fist Fight With My Friend

So there are a group of about six kids at my school that are best friends. I'm talking they are like brothers to each other. They've been together since the 6th grade. I've known two of them since my freshman year, and i just met the rest at the beginning of this year. Now, we are all cool and all, I'm just not as good of friends with them all. I'm just all of theirs friend.

Now, one day a few months ago, we were all talking about fighting. I was just thinking out loud, so I happened to say that I think I could take them all one at a time.

I didn't really think anything of it, but a couple of days later, one of them, Justin, was like

"Hey, lets do a fight club"

Now, I'm not one to back down, so I was like

"Yeah, I'll throw down"

I was talking mad shit, say stuff like, "Dude, I'm gonna tear you up" or, "You are so fucked. I'm gonna take you down, mount you, and punch your face until you can't see".

I thought it was all just a big fucking joke. So we arrange a day, and I get ready. We meet up at a friends house, and we go at it. It starts off where we just square up. We are both throwing jabs, and just pussy shit. He finally rushes me, and the rest of the fight is mainly him just beating my ass. At one point, he had my head down, and he kneed me in the face. Dude, my face felt like it just exploded. I thought he broke my nose! Blood is just like pouring from me.

It finally ended because I got him off, got ahold of him, and got in maybe five good punches. As soon as the last punch ended, he just turned around and said he was done.

In the end, we were both pretty bloody. I guess, even though he got in more hits, I technically won because he quit.

I guess the moral is don't back down. It's alot better to take an ass-kicking from 6 beaners or niggers or just one of the biggest people you've seen, then be seen as a little bitch.

Like White Chocolate.

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