
Florida Hinges on Orange Blue Politics

Tonight, a lizard lady took hold of a few pews of women petitioning for someone who speaks for them.  The entire 4th rows ears were stapled shut with fizzy lint manufactured in Albany's lower west side.  The pardoned hands of Bernie Sanders seemed to keep back the evil CIA magic and summon an easy going approach to bring up into the ship, complete with platforms, planks and railings (which Hillary Clinton was too stoned on Cuban cocaine to balance on), comrades, boys and girls of all ages, and partners in freedom.
Question after comment after question, it became clear that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been tarnished by her fowl money which she has begged, pleaded and prostituted for week after week.  Only the comforting truth of Senator Bernie Sanders was enough to get me thru the rants, raves and bullshit spewed by the once proud woman.
Why can't a man speak for a woman ?  In today's society of gender fluidity and altered mental states, sustainable in a proper culture, it shouldn't be a case of which gender or race does the voter select.  No, it should be what is best for the voter.  God knows that Mr. Sanders is in favor of women's healthcare, privacy, and equality.  Jesus knows that Bernie will support proper immigration reforms and give his best to the latino community.  What the holy spirit finds in this race is divine injustice the color of coked up, fat stacks of Ben Franklins in the small Coach handbag of Ms. Clinton.

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