First, let me start off by saying that Red is who inspired me to write blogs again. I haven't written one in over two years and I suppose now would be a good of time as ever to start again.
My issue lately has been people dragging what it means to be a true friend through the mud. I don't know who told people that it's ok to be a disrespectful brat and to not take other people's feelings into consideration. I also don't get how people can claim to have multiple best friends, yet the people who hold the status get replaced by someone else on a moments notice. The reason I was inspired to write this is as follows:
On the 17th of last month, I had a karate demo at the local river park. While I was there my alleged best friend calls me and asks if I want to hang out with her. I told her Where I was and what I was doing, but I would be more than happy to go bowling with her and her friend (which was what we were originally supposed to go do) after my demo was over. She said they were heading to the park anyway and would see me soon. When she arrives I CLEARLY tell her that before we go bowling, she needs to run me home (I live a quarter mile away and was dropped off at the park) so I can change and get my money. She tells me that that's fine.
The demo is over and I ask her if she's ready to go. She decided she no longer wanted to go bowling and was trying to find somewhere else to go. She then informs me that it is apparently too difficult to take me home real quick so I can change and such and stated that she never said I had to hang out with her. She then basically told me that I should have brought a change of clothes and my money to the park in anticipation of seeing her there and embarking on these plans; neither of which I had any prior knowledge about. So after a half an hour of her chatting there with her friend, she walks away without a word and even her friend could see how ridiculous and unrealistic she was being.
Why in the hell do people think this kind of behavior is fucking acceptable!? I just don't understand what happened to the meaning behind the word friendship. Needless to say, I haven't see or spoken to the ungreatful, disrespectful wench since that day.