
how i kept Beww1704 nude wet all day

I must admit, the title of this is a little misleading.  It was more of a request then anything else.  I promised to maintain the integrity of the individual I am talking about.  Regs should be able to read between the lines.

I was bored yesterday, the kind of bored where I am sitting in my office and thinking about counting the spots on the ceiling tiles.  Instead I start to get up to my favorite past time, ogling beauties.  This quickly got old, it would seem that chicks on the INTERNET are all the same - fake tits and smashed snatches.  Don't get me wrong I love that shit but for some reason that was just not working for me.  Like a tonne of bricks I was hit with an epiphany, I should msg my good friend and only real women I have ever talked to from the INTERNET Beww1704. 

So I send her a msg, "Miss ya baby, whats goin on?" and to my surprise I get a response almost right away, kind of like she was waiting for my msg (at least that what I want to believe).  "Just lounging in a hot salty bath, care to join"  FUCK YES, she is good to go and I am now standing at attention and typing (not fapping, yet) like I have not typed in a long time.  I must say the conversation went exactly where I had wanted it to go, back and forth, up and down, in and out and let me tell you it was great.  I have on occasion tried to do that whole cyber shit before but never enjoyed it, too much work (typing) just to end up having to fap myself.  It is far easier to convince the old lady that we have an extra 5 minutes before we have to be anywhere.

Now as we are going back and forth, I get a little notification bell on my comp for a new msg.  Usually I will get maybe 5 of these little bells a day so I never turned it off.  Yesterday that damn bell went off like every 3 minutes for the whole afternoon.  After about 2 hours my boss stops by my door and asks if I am having computer troubles because he keeps hearing my alarm go off.  I assure him that there is no problem, I am just having a conversation through msg with a customer about his order. 

Luckily I was saving a big order for a slow day because to wards the end of the day my boss asked if he could review the order that took so much of my time.  I quickly inputted it and he was never the wiser.  As for my torrid love affair, I must say it was a good day, nothing quite beats keeping somebody naked and wet all afternoon and driving your boss nuts at the same time. 

As a side note, cybering seems weird to me.  As fun as yesterday was, it was kind of anti-climactic.  Got all worked up not really knowing what was going on; on the other end of the machine.  I would like to think that things were going similar to our msgs but I guess fantasy can often be better then reality.  Even though in reality the things I would do to Beww1704 I am pretty sure would send me to jail in most states, guess I have to wait for her to come to Canada.

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