
I am a Racist.

In response to this bullshit.

Why I am a Racist.

"I am a racist because I was born white."
You are a racist because everybody is a racist.
All colors, all creeds, all people.

You are bothered by the concept that people are judging you based on your whiteness.
Let that sink in.

"I am a racist because I measure a man by what he produces."
You are a racist because you fail to see the centuries of oppression and prejudice and unwritten rules and slanted systems that suppress the ability of others to succeed as you succeed.
(This is the definition of privilege.  You have what you have not because it was given to you; you were able to work for it and earn it because it was not denied to you.)

"I am a racist because I mimic those who are different from a place of adoration."
You are a racist because you focus on the differences but deny the similarities and then say, "See? This is my love for you."

"I am a racist because I believe Trump truly cares for his country and by extension the free world."
You are a racist because you are fooled by the soulless elite who profess their love for their pets and their cattle as they pick their pockets and lead them to the slaughterhouse.

(It has been this way a very long time, regardless of the flavor of the White House. If you are a liberal or a Democrat and you chafe at this, then explain why it is still this way?)

"I am a racist because I want every man to know they have the power to pick themselves up."
You are a racist because you fail to see how others are pushed down and held down, derided and denigrated, and denied, and denied, and denied far more often than you.

"I am a racist because I yearn for a time when a man can mock another man from a place of love and understanding and the other man would know that."
You are a racist because you fail to see how quickly you heal from scratches while the wounds of your brother are far older, far deeper.

"I am a racist because my heroes have faults and yours do not."
You are a racist because a man knelt on the neck of another man for eight minute and forty-six seconds while other men watched and did nothing, and your response to the outcry of his murder was that he was not always a good man.

"I am a racist because I look to the individual and not the group."
You are a racist because blaming and absolving groups is exactly what you're doing, right here, right now.

"I am a racist because I see current world slavery of black children in the Congo as being the issue and not slavery that has been extinguished by very brave men and women."
You are a racist because you deny that slavery and racism takes many forms, not just one, and that it continues throughout the world. You are a racist because you deny slavery and racism can exist in many forms and many places simultaneously.

"I am a racist because I believe the people who fought and won the battles against racism would cry if they saw where their victories have led their people to today."
You are a racist because you fail to believe the people who fought and won the battles against racism would be enraged if they saw where their victories have failed to reach the ultimate goals of true and equal opportunity under the law and in the hearts and minds of all men.

"I am a racist for all these things, but what stands out as the most racist of all, is that I will not kiss the boot upon my neck."
You are a racist because without a boot on your neck you still refuse to lift the boot that slowly, surely presses on the necks of your brothers.


I am not an apologist, nor do I have any white guilt. Of course none of these concepts or ideas apply to everybody everywhere at all times, and of course there are good and bad people everywhere; that's a trick of denial that fools some. I'm not a liberal, a Democrat, or a leftist, and I'm not interested in having a debate in the comments, as I have said many, many times before (but if you're egregious, don't whine and expect sympathy when you're deleted ... it won't be because what you said was "true", it will be because you're behaving like an asshole).  I anticipate the downvotes and the right-wing/white-wing rhetoric and talking points, childish insults, the cherry-picked statistics that tell half a story of what and none of the why, and all the other spitting and gnashing of teeth that accompanies this sort of post.  Nobody denies racism as stridently and as ignorantly as the racists.

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