
Just Use These Proven Techniques To Instantly Become A "Mini Celebrity" On Social Media Sites… Without Ever Using Photoshop!

"Astonishingly Simple Secrets Discovered By Renegade Photographer Transforms Your Smartphone Into A High-Quality DSLR And Captures Jaw-Dropping Gorgeous Photos That Blow Away Your Friends – Guaranteed!"

Just Use These Proven Techniques To Instantly Become A "Mini Celebrity" On Social Media Sites… Without Ever Using Photoshop!


Now can take amazing photos like these on your smartphone camera. And the cool thing is, you don’t need an expensive DSLR… or even Photoshop!

Dear Friend,

If you would like to take mind-blowing photographs with your smartphone…

If you would like to dazzle and shock your friends with your shots…

If you would like to become a trick photography expert, almost overnight…

…Then this is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read.

Hi, my name is Carl Hartman and I’m a professional photographer.

Some of my friends even claim that I’m a complete photography nut. But there’s been a recent change in photography technology that has really ticked me off. Here’s why…

For more than 25 years, I’ve been studying and mastering FX and trick photography.

Early in my career, I earned a mentorship with the award-winning industrial photographer, Robert Thornton. I then became the editor and executive producer at Universal Studios and PBS for 12 years.

Later, I worked as the director for the live-action sequences in the best-selling computer games, DOOM and Chess Wars. More recently, I won the "Best of the Best" award at PBS and the "Most Creative" award from US International Film and Video.

But thanks to some new technology, complete photography newbies can take photos almost as good as what I can do ¬¬– and they can do it without spending thousands of dollars and months of time learning tricks of the trade.

See, when I was first starting out, the digital single-lens reflex camera (DSLR) was just invented. And it quickly became "all the rage" among serious photographers. I had to scrape together $1,200 to buy my first professional camera (Nikon D230 #).

With my new DSLR, I took breathtaking special effects shots I never even dreamed of taking with my old point-and-shoot camera. Some of my photos were so amazing that my friends refused to believe I took them until I showed them the photos on my camera.

Join Now and Start Taking Amazing Picture Today!

That was 20-some years ago. Today, things are completely different.

Technology has evolved at the speed of light. While many photographers still believe they need fancy-schmancy DSLRs to capture quality photos, the honest-to-goodness truth is you can actually…

"Transform" Your Smartphone Camera Into A High-End DSLR!

It’s true!

Once you know how to use your smartphone as a high-end DSLR, you can use it to capture spectacular shots like these:


Not quite convinced?

Okay, take a look at the two images below.

Can you guess which one was taken by the iPhone 5… and which one was taken by the Canon?


Can you spot the difference?

Well, the photo on the left was taken by the iPhone 3GS (with the help of a special image enhancement app we’ll talk about in just a bit.)

Since camera phone technology has become super advanced, the qualities of the photos are nearly identical.

In fact, there’s an entire "iPhoneography" movement going on right now, where world-class photographers are ditching their regular camera equipment and snapping shots only on their iPhones!

And here’s the kicker (and why I’m so ticked off): There are still loads of self-righteous photography "experts" out there who claim you need at least a Nikon D5100, telephoto zoom lenses, and their 6-week evening course just to start taking great pictures yourself.

As someone who has been living, sleeping, and breathing photography his entire life, I can tell you….

That’s Pure Hogwash!

I’m tired of seeing struggling photographers get beat down because they can’t fully grasp perplexing camera functions… or sit through hours of mind-numbing and boring lectures, or shell out the funds for any 6-week money-grubbing course.

I blame arrogant photo "gurus" who think they’re helping you out by offering professional photography lessons. But they’re actually scaring away new photographers with their lucrative prices and complicated instruction.

I’ve gotten so hot under the collar by this nonsense that I made it my personal mission to show everyone a much easier way to take breath-taking photos…

  • Without using fancy lenses, lighting, and other extravagant equipment…
  • Without needing any pricey classes and dull lectures…
  • And without dropping boo-coo bucks for a DSLR!

The truth is, if you own a smartphone (iPhone, Samsung, HTC, Blackberry, whatever), then you already have everything you need to take create incredible photographs that will blow away you and your friends.

Like these…


  • Breathtaking special effects using penlights and other, even more common, household itemslistofpics-1.jpg
  • Beautiful high dynamic range nature shots that look like this
  • listofpics-2.jpg
  • Spectacular 360-degree panoramic shots that will amaze your friends
  • listofpics-3.jpg
  • Photos that go "pop" just through tweaking the color settings on your regular camera.
  • listofpics-4.jpg
  • Crystal clear rapid movement shots that look frozen in time

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  • Fantastic perspective photos with no software or extra tools.
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  • Pictures that are filled with the invisible man.
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  • Exquisite star trail long exposure shots.
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  • Amazing self-portrait tricks are guaranteed to make you the most popular guy/girl on Facebook!
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  • Creative and vintage phone photography tricks for Tumblr
  • listofpics-10.jpg
  • How to make your pets look extra cute with these simple phone camera tricks
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  • How to take mouth-watering food shots
  • listofpics-12.jpg

In fact, the phone you already have can be an even better camera than some high-end DSLRs.

The Amazing Reasons Why The Best DSLR Camera Is…
Probably Already In Your Pocket

  • FACT: Newer smartphone models have ultra-sharp image quality. They can do practically everything (and sometimes more) as your standard DSLR. (Even the old iPhone 3GS – which has a "puny" 3-megapixel camera¬– can give DSLRs a run for their money. And the iPhone 4, 4S, and 5 are even better.)

  • FACT: Smartphones are "pocketable" and portable. You have the freedom to take pictures anywhere you go, without having to lug around heavy camera equipment. And because they’re less intrusive… you’re less likely to draw attention to yourself and get a bunch of "weird stares" whenever you take a photo. Certainly not the case with bulky DSLRs!

  • FACT: You can easily add special effects to your photos with free photo-editing apps. Then, quickly upload them to your favorite photo-sharing sites with the touch of a button. There’s no hassle of transferring files to your computer or messing around with Photoshop.

When you finally discover the secrets to trick photography and special effects on your smartphone, you’ll be able to…

…Master photography basics and "shortcut" your learning curve by at least 6 months…

…Instantly apply these tricks and techniques to the very next photo you snap –Many pros have paid thousands of dollars to learn these secrets… and absolutely hate revealing them at any cost!...

…Skyrocket the activity on your Instagram, Tumblr, and Flickr page… and receive massive praise and recognition from other members on online photo-sharing communities!

The good news is, this is all possible because I just put together a complete 20 video training course. You’ll discover how to improve your "regular" shots while you also transform become a trick photography pro.


Phone Photography Tricks:

The Revolutionary Video Course That Shows You How To Capture Mind-Blow Artistic Images Using Only Your Smartphone


The videos are split into easy-to-follow lessons that enable you to take awesome photos and breathtaking special effects shots you and your friends won’t believe.

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