
Kunt-a Kinte

Lol, no, this isn't a blog about Toby Reynolds, or some type of Zulu tribeswoman schtick. Although you do have to admire one thing passed down through African, then African American, and finally AA  female culture: they really aren't scared to show you they're in charge of themselves.

Chris Rock once said during a stand-up routine that the women he loves best are the huge, black women. "They don't give a fuck what you say, they goin' out on Friday night..." Indeed, it's always amazed me at how decades of oppression on women in U.S. culture (and the world) can sustain battle after battle from a few brave members of the fairer sex, but only takes one or two generations of these

chris_rock.jpg"fat, black women!"  to color America in such a way that white people everywhere are pissing their pants at the thought of getting in their way. Without a doubt, it's the

 chris_rock.jpg"fat, black women!"  that really made it o.k. in our culture for women to backhand a boyfriend for backhanding them, say what they please and KNOW not to expect back talk for expressing their minds, and also, wear whatever they're comfortable with (to hell with Kate Moss! It's 90 degrees out? Damn straight I'm wearin' a bathin' suit to da pool!")

I remember all the hoopla surrounding Afghanistan at the onset of war, where news stations and pundits across the nation had to introduce U.S. citizens to the whole backward, oppressed, burqua status of women in the asscrack of the world. Of course, it's always America's way to go in, conquer, and Americanize backwater countries into places we can wheel and deal with in future years, but we were finding this sand land of religious zealot fanatics more difficult than normal to break of their archaic mindset.

The whole time, another comedian, Robin Williams, already had the perfect idea: "You need to send some black, female paratroopers down in there, I mean a sistah, m-hm, some of these women to set everything straight - "You don't need to be coverin' yourself from head to toe bein' his bitch! You don't need to be dressin' like no beekeeper!"

And strangely, I wasn't the only one who actually thought that would probably be an excellent fucking idea. Who needs guns? The problem with female oppression and the bigoted, chauvinistic assholes that try to keep them "in their place" is a lack of women realizing their equal (if not superior) status in the chain of existence to give them what-for. You replace every shrouded female in these areas with your average American,

chris_rock.jpg"fat, black woman!" you'll begin to see things do a 180 turnaround quicker than you can say Chick Filla. It's either that, or you can forget about procreation, a hot dinner, or getting your sperm washed from your under-turban.

Unfortunately, it really isn't much better outside that shit storm, anyway. Guys are still as bigoted as anywhere, and although most of them know far better than to raise a hand to a woman, they take out their childish frustrations in other ways.

Since I'm not exactly a kid anymore, I've been around the block too many times not to know it when I see it. Which is why I secretly found it a great compliment to be called a "cunt" by a guy.

There are still too many males out there frustrated, upset, and lacking in their own masculinity and maturity to handle anyone, especially a woman, who's more man than they are. They're usually conservative, right-wing, or self-professed Alpha Male douches (or all of the above) that get their BVD's in a knot when a chick calls them out, is opinionated, no-nonsense, not interested sexually, or plain doesn't like the idea they've survived in the real world so long.

Only thing is, the onslaught of their inevitable, inappropriate, sexist banter as a result of shriveled balls is totally o.k. so long as the woman is white.  Usually a

chris_rock.jpg"fat, black woman!" wouldn't have to worry about some white douche calling her a cunt, or using any other conjectures or names which bring into account not what relates to the issue this asshole has, but - you guessed it - her gender.

Back when I was a teen, a time when my looks were getting me professional attention, my career was blossoming so promisingly, and I was really starting to discover just what my parents had always said - that the world WAS my oyster - I took a part-time job doing "fund-raising" for a call center.

It was during a meeting one sunny day with the big, bad owner of the shitty building in an actually run-down part of the city, that I apparently did something he didn't like, and so he went OFF on me like I was fucking garbage. He bragged about how he "owned the building", blah, blah, and it was obvious this guy had his head too far up his own ass to realize he was actually sexually harassing me by bringing up what he did...

This is simply because I stood up for myself. I stood my ground, called him out on several fallacies of his arguments against me, as well as a few illegal details of his operation, and reminded him it would be best if he didn't threaten an employee less than 5 weeks old.

Of course, his face got redder than a cherry tomato, and clearly humiliated at not being treated like a king in a hawaiian shirt, proceeded to argue, not over what was just discussed (or what he bitched about), but instead went on an oral tirade, featuring a string of insults on my hair, face, clothing, weight, etc.

In case you're wondering, this is me from back then:

              me2.jpg     me-2.jpg

Of course everyone knew I was far from anything he said, and perhaps that was the reason for it? But it was at that moment, on that day, when I realized all the diarrhea pouring from his mouth had nothing to do with my physical appearance, and everything to do with the fact I was a woman who just bested a man in logic. It's a prejudice that has perpetrated itself repeatedly over the years, and always with only the most very insecure, shady guys.

99% of the time, I always shrug it off - and nothing bothers them more. I've even had guys try to insult me in that fashion, and pause with dumb looks on their faces, only to repeat themselves, as if they thought perhaps I just didn't hear them the first time. After all, if you have some kind of problem, why not make it hers, by bringing up what all chicks are supposed to be insecure about? Their hair, their makeup, weight, outfits, marital status, etc. That's what's supposed to get to 'em, right?

Well, not that time. But I wasn't letting him off the hook. After some research and a few calls, he ended up getting indicted due to investigations finding him guilty of defrauding several charities and violating health codes, with his operation shut down pending trial. He was actually just in the paper a few months ago, his fat, smiling face peeking out from under a headline updating the city on how his shattered life and business is coming along.

I can understand when men like to think a woman's place is to be demure, nurturing, overtly feminine, and placating to their bruised egos. But unfortunately, they seem to forget if their ego needs nurturing, they don't deserve it in the first place. I can think of a few times I'd been willing to be that sort of old-fashioned chick. But the key word here is "few". Almost every dude I've met just plain isn't worthy enough for me to coddle to, bake treats for, or cook breakfast for the next morning. I can't be as demure and poised as other women are, who mistakenly believie this will land them a really good man - I think too much, do too much on my own, and know far more than way younger and naive girls do about sifting out a doucher from someone worth the sperm.

Which is probably why I said "few". Which is completely o.k. Since having opinions, sticking to my guns, feeling just fine looking the way I do at any time, knowing what I know, and doing what I will doesn't, nor will it ever, make me, or any other woman, a bitch, dyke, dumb, lesbo, pretentious, stupid, sexless, mean, argumentative, castrating, depressed, negative, ignorant, slutty, overbearing, a cunt, or any other derivative term that makes a guy (or whatever wet-behind-the-ears agreeable bitch) feel better about his shrunken testicles.

It does, however, make him shit out of luck.

I could say I'd love to be there when WyldJitt's daughter (that he claims to have) gets the shit beaten out of her by her boyfriend as he wonders whether a lifestyle and attitude consisting of degrading chicks on the internet (and probably elsewhere), without provocation, as well as plagiarizing, may have made him a bad father and contributed to lessons and behavior that brought the event about;

Or I could say I always think of deevo/No_U as the type of guy some chick's parents will vehemently hate, since it reminds them their daughter is so deluded, insecure, and naive that a guy like that is all she can get, since she perpetually defends his inane, vile, and douchey behavior while claiming through bruised self-esteem and deep-seated unhappiness he's "really a great guy underneath";

Meh, I won't, however. As I've stated before, there's really no point in arguing logic with children. Sooner or later cultures will learn a better means of establishing a sense of maturity, responsibility, and humanity into citizenry, especially the males, the likes of which may break down gender barriers and enable all to readily see them for what they are. This, in turn, would lead to the breaking down of barriers in simple communication and make which side's bruised ego more visible to all.

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