
Liberal Dems are Rioting in a few cities...

Since we've decided our new president elect, Donald J. Trump, a few things have been happening. First and more commonly covered by the mainstream media have been riots. Riots by bigoted, racist, hypocrite, left wing, BLM, undergraduate, millennial, cry-baby assholes. Twitter and suicide prevention lines are bombarded with suicidal and homicidal liberals calling for the death of their President elect. These are people that claim to be the tolerant left.

To those of you who identify as a liberal/democrat/leftistl;

Grow the fuck up. Grow up, gather yourself and quit giving us excuses to vote against your candidate of false hope and change who will not give you the change out of their pocket no matter how much you hope they're on your side. America has chosen change. We have chosen to ignore the politician and go with the business man. Your allegations of rape and assault were as false as the false narrative that you are tolerant while all white, cis-gendered, straight, males are bigot, racists, xenophobic, anti-gay marriage, anti-abortion, anti-women, pro-gun, anti-muslim, and the corrupt media was part of helping you fall further into your liberal induced psychosis. You've been given chance after chance to elect and behave in a way that is best for the country. You failed, yet you reject the notion of change and hope. You're no more a victim than the white boy in class who isn't allowed to have an opinion simple because he is white. It's time for your hypocrisy to end and for you to admit that the liberal global agenda is bad for our nation and the future of our country. Your democrat cities are in shambles because of trade deals signed off on by your democrat leaders. Your values are in the shitter because your idea of culture is broken. 

Once your recoil and shock wears off, you must remember that I do not hate you. I do not want government agencies to come into cities knocking doors looking for illegal immigrants. I do not want you to be without healthcare, food stamps, education vouchers/grants/loans or a place to peaceably assemble. I do no want your families to be split apart and deported due to lack of documentation as a citizen. I do not want you to tremble in fear because you do not have "campus safe spaces".

I want you to be proud that we have black nuclear families again who make up the working class rather than the victim class. I want you to be represented, not made an excuse or example of. I want you to want to know white people without a preconceived notion that we want you on a southbound bus or picking cotton in the bible belt. I want your victim mentality to fade into a memory while you accept that the world doesn't owe you a fucking thing and that we have to live here together.

This backlash is the fault of the people who pushed a false narrative and spoon fed hate to a generation of young men and women of color and differing believes and persuasions. Be responsible for your self now. Go forth and quit being spoiled assholes. Fer Fuch's Sake. Get it together.

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