my begining to the end.
hello, this will be my first blog in a long time. Ihad recently started school and it much different from my old school nin NM (now im in california); I didn't think that anyone would be atttracted to a five-five, black haired, italian mexican that people consider weird. In new mexico everybody knew me, they saw me grow up and thus i could not be who I wanted to be. I had to be what every body saw me as. I came over here (C.A) I under estimated how many differant people there are. My first few weeks here i meet "the girl of my dreams", really, shes every thing i wanted and more. as you could imagine this would be my first time having a girl-friend, so what would two goth/kinda emo/metal head/ weird-o's do for a good time? Im counting on you Ebaumsworld.
i guess what im asking is, how can I create a stable relationship?
(no stpid comments please)