
My first job

I'll never forget my first job. I'm sure most of you won't either. Mine was a dish washer. And really the only reason I got it was because my pops was friends with a manager at the resturaunt. I think my dad was either trying to teach me a lesson about why education was important or just trying to get me to fork over some cash for "rent".

Well day after day I'd pressure wash the plates etc, send them through a high heat machine along the conveyor belt then the waitress would take them out to the fat customers. One day there was a bunch of left over cheese cakes, chicken tenders omg everything. And boy did I dig in. Later I found out it was all really old food. Later as in as soon as I swallowed the last chicken nugget.

My stomach growlled like a lion purring. I couldn't take a break from washing dishes. Literally as soon as I had finished eating, a big bus of customers stopped there. And we were swamped. It seemed like as soon as I'd send a plate around another one was thrown at me. Man was my stomach growling. So much pain. But I had to keep washing. If I lost this job my poppa would be dissapoint.

The heat from the steam washer was making it worse. As soon as I thought I couldn't handle it anymore I decided to head to the potty. Soon as I walked in all the stalls were full. Aw man. Even just from the short walk the plates were stacking up high. I needed to keep washing.

That's when it hit me. A huge fart exploded out my butt followed by liquid shit bubbling down my draws. Down my leg. My work uniform was required to be air tight. The shit stopped flowing at ankle level then started to flow up my shirt. All the while I was washing as fast as I could. My boss yelling at me inches away. "WORK FASTER!!!! ....what's that smell?" she asked.

Damn she had big boobs. Shit pillowed out my work shirt then volcanoed out my collar. It went all over my bosses tits, then it splattered all over the dishes. The waitress unknowingly grabbed the shit plates and handed them to the cook. The cook also unknowlingly loaded to poopoo plate with food. The customer ate the poopoo food and also began to shit. This happened several times simultaneously. The floor was covered in liquid shit. From the kitchen to the cash register. Every last person squashed their way out the resturaunt. "POOP! YOU'RE FIRED!" She said as poop dripped off her giant double d tits.

Needless to say, that was the second worse job I ever had in my entire life.
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