My Super Power
Sometimes less is more.
Published 9 years ago
“If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any moment.” -Carlos Santana.
“Constant, unrelenting sadness will kick your ass worse than anything.” -GIJoe. NOTE: This is from personal experience: utter sadness/borderline despair since my divorce, but my kids keep me going. I would give anything/do anything to have my wife back.
ANOTHER NOTE: This will quite possibly be the most boring of all the super power blog entries. For that, I apologize. It didn’t take me long to figure this one out. I knew it immediately. What super power would I want? Too easy.
I would not want the power to fly (scared of heights) or shoot lightning out of my ass every time I fart (I’d start several fires a day). No invisibility cloak, no immense strength or speed of light. No ESP or telekinesis. No, that’s too much. I would want something simpler, yet greater. Far greater.
I would want the power to heal. With a simple wave of my hand or even the mere thought, the power to cure cancer, or to undo the wounds suffered in an accident. The power to heal, but not just disease or injuries, the power to heal the mind, and soothe the soul. Physical pain and emotional pain too. Sadness. The Soldier suffering from PTSD. The widow mourning the loss of her husband. The drug user struggling with addiction.
I could even heal all the butt-hurt at Ebaums World! That would take me quite a while though…
I suppose I would need one other thing too: complete anonymity. I would want no fame or recognition.
Why? Perhaps I seek only to heal myself: “It in healing that we are healed.” –Saint Francis of Assisi (my patron saint and the author of my favorite prayer). I need healing more now than I ever have in my life. My life now is worse than it was in Iraq, and Iraq was pretty fucking bad.
If I were a betting man, I would bet that this blog entry will not win the contest. It’s simply not funny enough. I vote for “The Power of Tears” by BrokenBalls. Ironic that his blog is somewhat opposite mine!
I would give honorable mention to Hoblem, though. Seriously, he sound’s like he needs healing right? If by some miracle I do win this contest, I want him to have the gift card! There! I’m a healer!