Not to Spoil Everyone's Fun, But...
Does it seem to anyone else like the amount of very attractive and overly-agreeable women at this site is highly improbable? I can't begrudge people for wanting to escape their real lives on this site, but recently I've seen several of these said females, typically from the feature page troll crowd, submitting pictures of themselves, holding up handwritten signs with their username and a message that said "See! I told you I was a hot girl!" and everyone accepts it as fact. You would think there'd be at least one guy that would call bullshit, but no! The designated asshole will say something like "I stand corrected. Now that we know the truth, would you like to carry my love child?"
Now some of you know that I've said before that I'm a female. Whether or not you believe that is entirely up to you, because despite several requests, I will not be posting a picture of myself any time soon. I'm fully aware that some will take that to mean that I am 600 lbs. with 152 pock marks on my face, an eye patch and a peg leg, or that I'm actually a dude. In reality, I just don't want to. A wise man once said "What's the point of posting your picture on this site? People will only either make fun of it or fap to it."
Obviously, not everyone that posts a picture of themselves on this site is a fake. I usually base my assumption of real or fake on the amount of depraved behavior the person participates in against how attractive their photo is. The more attractive in the picture, the more unattractive and lonely I imagine the actual person to be. Has everyone suddenly forgotten about those sites where there's a girl on the other end with a webcam that will do whatever a paying customer asks? It was all over the news years back when the industry took off and sent phone sex hotlines into bankrupcy. Anyway, the "anything you want" guarantee obviously includes finding a Sharpie and a piece of paper, writing a custom message on it, and posing for the snapshot.
Again, not saying I look down on these people. I know what it's like to feel insecure and embellish a bit about myself just to build my confidence. I'm just saying I'll laugh my ass off when I see one of those pictures of a hot girl holding a hand-written note on a piece of paper where the letterhead says -
5555 Ventura BLVD.
Suite B
Los Angeles, CA