
O, How I Miss Halloween...


When I was little, my dad would always take us trick or treating. My brothers and I would always be knights or Jedi, and one year we were even Batman and Robin. Thank God I wasn't Robin, because Cat Woman was ALL over least until all the single dads blocked me out. One year will always be set aside from the rest though. My parents decided to dress me up like Abraham Lincoln. Now, although not a bad costume, it definitely wasn't what a power ranger obsessed 2 year-old wanted to be. In theory, the costume was complete; the beard, suit, hat; everything was there. But the application ha ha, well, that was another story. Suit? Check. Pants? Check. Beard? Che-uh, wait a minute; how are we going to get the beard on? mmmmm.......let's see here.....what can we use...O! How about Elmers Glue? Either my parents had a serious lapse of judgment, or they were feeling particularly cruel that day, because my dad grabbed my chin in one hand, took the beard in the other, and had my mom apply the glue. But wait; the cruelty continues. Now the hat was made out of a poster-board-like material, but seeing as they used all the glue on my FACE!!, they had to find something else. So they used staples. Staples that faced inwards. Into my head. I was wearing a crown of thorns, so-to-speak. When my dad first put it on me, I screamed, threw it off my head, and made a desperate wobble towards the front door. Seeing as my height barely reached halfway up the door, my attempt at escape was foiled. My dad cornered me, and jammed the hat back down on my head. After an hour or so, my proverbial crucifixion was over, and I ripped off my hat as soon as I got through the door. Too bad my dad ripped off my beard.


And now I'm crying....

EDIT: If anyone can get these pictures on my actual blog, I'd be very grateful.





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