Obama is not Linoln.
I am so sick and tired of Barak Obama trying to pass himself off as the new Abe Lincoln. What the hell has he done? Nothing thats what. There are only two similarities; they are from Illinois and President. After that they have nothing in common. Obama is not original because now he is copying Lincolns ride to the White House by train. Ridiculous. Hell if all you have to do is copy one of the most beloved Presidents to become president then I should win the election in 2012. If Obama is going to keep copying Lincoln then I guess he will win re-election; if that happens then Ill buy his theatre ticket. I dont know what is happening to this country. Everybody is getting off bashing Bush and the same people are giving Obama a free ride in the press. I would like to know exactly why these people think Obama is going to be such a good president and the best thing to happen to this country. They only reason I can see why people voted for him is because he is black and there hasnt been a black president yet so people wanted to be able to tell their grandchildren they voted for the first black president. I must be completely in the dark because I didnt know skin color tells how good of a president you will be. If thats true then imagine how good the first purple president will be. A hard lesson will be learned in the next 4 years and I just hope the country is still around in 2012 to vote this bastard out of office.