Old and cranky TOO!!!!!
Last night I heard all about Obama setting us back in the respect area due to his bowing.....SHUT THE HELL UP! If he did make a mistake then let it go and I am not saying he did, but hey I dont know how to greet a person from Japan other than to offer him some Hi Karate aftershave. I am not an Obama supporter by a long shot but some of this stuff is out of control, now that being said..........
Mr. Obama,
I would like to think that the office of the president has a certain amount of decorum or prestige but when you stand at the microphone while at a solemn time such as the Ft. Hood situation and you say "Give a shout out" or while walking down an isle you stop to give a fist bump to some person, well I hang my head in shame. Please keep your American Ghetto slang out of the publics eye and save it while you are with your friends. When you are with your them, by all means fist, chest, or even head bump I dont care. While you hold the office of leader of the free world, ACT like you represent ALL Americans and be the PRESIDENT for crying out loud. I know this is small thing but really it's not, country's are looking to us as a compass, you have said as much. Now take a moment and think about the leaders of the world all giving each other fist bumps instead of skaing hands. I for one am going to shout out to my brother and give him a fist bump, but I am not president.
Thanks for reading Bohank