
Praise him in all HIS glory!

The one and only TRUE God! Forget Buddha, Yahweh, Krishna, Vishnu, Allah and any other FALSE Gods.


Remember people....."there can be only one!"


His name is Enefel. Pronounced....NFL. HE gave his one and only son, Vince Lombardi, to mankind so they could follow in his footsteps. Each footstep measures exactly 3 feet, or 1 yard. One hundred of these will lead you to the promised land...Indianapolis (this year).


This Sunday, today, should be spent honoring Enefel's glory! Thou shall follow these ten commandments on the holiest of days....


1. You must not work...unless you have to install a larger television.

2. You must drink of your God's blood...whisky will do just fine.

3. You must eat of your God's flesh...hotwings dipped in bleu cheese is recommended.

4. You must wear your God's colors on this holiest of days. (In my case, red and gold.)

5. You must not worship false Gods...the "god" of soccer is not Enefel. Soccer is NOT football.

6. You must worship your God's wife...embodied in Enefel's cheerleaders.

7. You must "talk shit" to all enemies of your God.

8. You must not covet thy neighbor's stadium.

9. You must not kill...doling out concussions is preferable.

10. You must convert as many followers as possible to ensure your place in the hall of fame in the sky.











This is your old holy sign...........................




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This is your new holy sign..........................



Embrace the one and only TRUE God.....................Enefel.



Devout Deunan

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