The fact that I can't sleep has lead me to sit here wondering what the fuck I should blog about. Of course, I have many outstanding ideas. All of my blog ideas are outstanding! :) I don't really have the energy to whip out an incredible story right now though so I thought I would just jot down some random thoughts of mine. Now, I have never claimed to be playing with a full deck so when you read some of these don't wig out too badly. This is just RANDOMNESS but since it was written by me it is INCREDIBLE OUTSTANDING RANDOMNESS!
Here goes...
People ask why I talk to myself. Simple...I'm the one that listens to me best.
I like those Circus Animal cookies, you know, the pink and white ones with sprinkles on them. I don't care what anyone says either, there IS a difference in taste between the pink ones and the white ones.
I have to go to sleep with the tv on. But it has to be a movie I have seen before, if it's not I will stay awake to watch it. A few of my favorite "go to sleep" flicks are Aliens, Ghostbusters, The Fifth Element and any Indiana Jones movie.
I smoke entirely too fucking much.
I'm allergic to cinnamon.
I often wonder why in hell am I the only person on the planet that can drive a car correctly.
I really enjoy bullying Letemdangle.
I think that a child, whose parents were White_Chocolate and MrsNekoJeans, might be wrongly considered the next Jesus Christ. How else could you explain two retarded virgins having a child?
I think that all EBW mods should be forced to spend three months in the blog section, then maybe we would be more appreciated for our contributions to this site.
I masturbate at least three times a week.
What has happened to Legos? It used to be you got a bunch of different sizes and shapes and built whatever the fuck you wanted to. Now they all come in kits with instructions, if you lose a piece you can't build what's on the box and if you mix them together you're pretty much boned.
Why do all the guys that like to go hunting wear camo EVERYTHING then put on a bright orange vest and hat over it?
And, last but not least, I don't care what anyone says.....corndogs are fucking AWESOME!!! Especially when you wrap them in bacon!!!
Random Deunan