RJM stalks Jessebabe. EPIC!!!
Jessebabe heard about my stalking abilities and asked me to stalk her. Be careful what you wish for!
A little background: Jessebabe is not a new member of EBW. She created her account in April this year, and she made comments every now and then, and didn't really seem to get into conversations until recently. It's a familiar pattern we all seem to share: "I've been coming on EBW since 2006, but I didn't create an account until this year, and just recently started reading the comments/blogs/etc..."
She was becoming a regular recently, and I was glad to see more girls on EBW. I'm not a fan of sausage and eggs.
I asked her if she was sure she wanted me to stalk her, and if so, don't freak out. I also mentioned how I showed a 19 year old girl on EBW who seemed to have an e-crush on me how to e-stalk me and she found the goods on me. So I returned the favor and found out she was not 19. She was 16! And barely 16 for a few days! Good thing I don't cyber!
Supoosedly Jessebabe was 20, but her pictures looked a little younger. I said I'll find out the truth either way...
She came clean.
Jessebabe: MY name is Jessica Wilson I'm 17 and live in ******* ** just outside ********.
That is all the information I had on her. Literally. Not much to work off of, but I'll try. So I did my homework. The following is a real conversation we had in the features.
RJM: Jessebabe... I'll make you a promise...
Jessebabe: What :(
RJM: I won't tell people EVERYTHING. But I did stalk you...
Jessebabe: and......
RJM: First of all, Jessebabe... Thanks for telling the truth about one little detail...
RJM: Jessebabe... I know. I know who you are. I know where you live. I know the lie.
Jessebabe: What lie I told you the truth
RJM: Yes, but only about the city you live in.
Jessebabe: ?
RJM: When I say Helen, does that word sound familiar?
Jessebabe: Yes thats the road I live on
RJM: I know.
Jessebabe: And my moms name is Melba so I could have told you that
RJM: Jessebabe, you're from ******, **... right?
Jessebabe: Thats were I was born yes
RJM: You also graduated the year my wife was born.
...long pause, many thumbs up...
Jessebabe: Thats my mom
RJM: Jessebabe, I won't reveal your other accounts on here. But I know your name. And it's not Jessica.
RJM: Jessebabe, I'm waiting for a response...
RJM: Jessebabe...
RJM: ...I know you're here....
RJM: ...Let me at least say your first name.
RJM: Joseph.
RJM: Graduated 1977 from ******* High School, ******* , **.
RJM: Confirm it Joe!
RJM: Just say it Jessebabe!
Jessebabe: yeah im out
RJM: YES! You rule man!
I had TONS more info, but I don't have the heart to completely destroy his experience on EBW and he stopped commenting. I made him a deal.
For the record, I did not obtain any information illegally. I did not get help from any EBW employee. I used nothing but the internet, and did not use any sort of pay service to research people. I just did my homework.
I'm RJM, and I'm going to catch hell again.