
Story time.

So this will be a divergence away from the last couple of blogs I posted about the blog section and how slow things have gotten and I wanted to tell a story to all of you. This will be one, of I am sure many, that I can spill and will happily do so. I also wanted to mention that I noticed that the paragraph formatting just completely disappears when I uploaded my last blog, which just left you all with a big block of text. I actually did have an easier to read format in place prior to uploading on the last blog, and I am expecting the same to be true on this one as well.


On to the story then.


To give you guys a bit of a background on myself, I grew up in Jacksonville, FL. I am still here. For the duration of that time, I was completely and utterly indoctrinated in the christian religion from birth. I was most definitely sheltered as a kid, and pretty much all of my friends from back then were as well, because when your father is a Lutheran pastor and you are sent to a tiny independent baptist school from the time you start kindergarten to the time that you graduate highschool, you become accustomed to having a very small group of friends who are stuck in just about the exact same situation. To put things in perspective a bit for all of you, my graduating class for my school was four. That was it, just four including myself. On a good note, I get to put that I was fourth in my class on my resume, which is a fairly nice thing to have. I have since cut ties to the school and some of my family and friends though because the thing about having religion taught to you, how to debate other religions, and the deep theological differences between the various religions and internal denominations of those religions, just kind of pushes you to realizing that it is all just made up nonsense that starts arguments and I have wholeheartedly embraced athiesm and science over the last twelve years.


I will say though, that being at that school left me with a bunch of stories about all sorts of things that happened in such a tiny school where you really could not get away with anything because all of the teachers knew all of the students and had spent the last ten to twelve years with us because in a school that small, there are no such things as electives and the same teachers spend time teaching the same group of kids year after year. Looking back on it, a job like that just sounds like complete hell for those teachers. I am not at all knocking their teaching ability, because I did learn quite a bit from quite a few of them. There were plenty of instances where things happened in the school and it was just kind of swept under the rug and nobody really mentioned it again. One of these instances was on an away game for our soccer team.


My school offered sports, but only one at a time, for different times through the year. One for boys and one for Girls. At the beginning of the year the boys would get soccer and the girls would get vollyball, middle of the year was basketball for both boys and girls teams, then end of the year was baseball for the boys and softball for the girls. At no point was any other sports offered, through my entire junior or senior high school years. So we just went with what was available. I should also mention that our particular school had a disagreement with the policies of the Florida Association of Christian Schools from what I can tell was theological differences in teaching between southern baptist and independent baptist schools of thought, so we were part of the Georgia Association of Christian Schools. This means that our school would only play other schools within that association, so we would have to make these long roadtrips up into Georgia to play these other very tiny christian schools, of which we were one of the smallest. On one of these trips though, being twelve guys shoved into a van for long periods with nothing to do and limited only by our imaginations, we would play road games, one of the most popular being the christianized version of twenty questions that went by the simple name of "manna"(reason being was that story in the bible about bread from heaven and manna supposedly translated to "what is it"). The rules are simple, one person would think of literally anything at all, and the rest of us would shout questions at the person until someone figured out what it was. Now that you have the premise, just realize that we had been playing this game for the full six hours on the ride up, played soccer terribly and lost, and then were three hours into playing on the way back, when our poor poor coach just snapped.


Not a single one of us in that amount of time noticed that he was slowly loosing his sanity through the entire trip up, until our ears were bleeding from the sound of "triumphant brass" which was a brass quartet CD that the coach loved. It might have been a good break...except that it was at an insane decible range that caused us to damn near piss our selves. Over the top of this music however was our coach, scream singing at the top of his lungs along with the tempo of the trumptets a repeated chorus of "SHOOT ME NOW!!" in various intonations which were only broken by him turning the radio off for silence to openly mock our questions in a sing song voice "IS IT PURPLE? IS IT MADE OF METAL? DOES IT FLY" only to return immediately to the blaring trumpets.


Half of us were just fully aware that we have pushed our coach to madness and he might not come back from this one, the other half only made things worse by scream singing right along with him to the new song that the person in charge of keeping the van from careening off of the road was making up as he went along.


This went on for the next two hours before finally he just shut off the radio and everybody sat in silence for the last hour of the trip. This immediately became something that nobody ever discussed again openly. Nothing changed for our day to day after this, nobody said anything to anybody else about it, but occasionally when I do meet up with the few classmates from my school that I stayed in contact with, at some point someone will bring it up with the question, "hey were you there when the soccer team made the coach loose his mind" to which is usually answered by "oh, you mean shoot me now?" To us, this was just a funny little moment, that happened to a very select few of us, that just never got brought up again. Looking back now though, I realize that we quite possibly caused a man to experience temporary insanity, and that is a horrifying thought.


To this day, however, I do still keep in touch with that coach. He was hands down the best soccer coach we had, and overall one of the most laid back teachers in our school. The entire soccer team respected him, possibly for not killing us, mostly because of the dedication he did put into making us better players and students. This may be a large part of the reason that nobody ever brought it up, and why now most of us just laugh about it when it does get brought up. We will of course never bring it up to him directly, but I am sure that there were quite a few of us who even wonder if he remembers the event, or did he actually just black out. I know that I will never be the one to ask and find out though, and at this point, it has become kind of a pact between us to never ask and find out those answers, instead just assuming that the answer is 42. I am certain that we are all on some level better off just not knowing.


I hope you enjoyed the story, there will be more to come down the road. As before and as always,


This moment of your time has been completely wasted by,




P.S. if it is just a big block of text after I submit this, I just want to apologize and let you know that the paragraph formatting disappeared again and I have no way to edit it back to how it should be.


EDIT: figured out how to edit it, but it seems like the spaces between paragraphs just become dead space, put in dots between spaces to see if it helps.


EDIT 2: looks like punctuation will be the new spaces, just looked back through all of my old blogs and noticed that the same thing has befallen all of them, I am not going to go back and fix any of them.

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