The Naughty-List Holiday Gift Guide
If you know an asshole, then consider getting that good for nothing deliquent something from the naughty-list holiday gift guide. "Maybe...
Published 12 years ago
If you know an asshole, then consider getting that good for nothing deliquent something from the naughty-list holiday gift guide.
"Maybe You Touched Your Genitals" Hand Sanitizer
The word "maybe" is a courtesy.
Look and Feel Canadian Breath Spray
Look like a moose’s cock and feel like 2nd place.
Farting Piggy Bank
Not sure what do with that loose change in your pocket? Stick it up your ass!!!!
Replica Fat
Drop a hint in your girlfriend’s stocking.
STD Test
Merry Syphilismas.
How to Live with a Huge Penis [Paperback]
Buy two. Keep one in the car. Then just let the book do the lying for you.
"Suck It" Socks
That’s what those dicksuckers get for looking at your socks.
Powdered Peanut Butter
NOTE: Your dog won’t lick it off you until after you add water.