
The Texan Terror -part IV


Detective Harrison driving his unmarked police cruiser nearing Addison Road, Houston Texas – 25th October 2015 00:30


Detective Harrison driving his unmarked police cruiser turned off Main Street onto Southgate Boulevard he was bleary eyed but it wasn’t through lack of sleep a chance would be a fine thing he had been awake since the first murder. Now it looked as though they had a serial killer on their hands, he sincerely hoped he was wrong but he got the call as the victims had been as viciously brutalised as the first murders. The homicide dispatcher had tried to contact Detective Matthews but to no avail, that didn’t surprise Detective Harrison as his partner was a big drinker and a massive horn dog he would be indisposed for quite some time.


The detective crossed Travis Street then turned right onto Addison Road, he could see several hundred yards up the street that there was a police cordon in place as he was approaching it he could see dozens of neighbours loitering around the cordon and to his chagrin there was even a sat-truck. The deputies closing the road saw him coming they opened the cordon and waved him through, he drove another hundred yards then parked behind a row of police cruisers  and ambulances he got out of his car then began walking towards the crime scene. The detective started closing on a group of deputies and paramedics.


‘Detective.’ Said one of the deputies turning to greet him. ‘Boy are we glad you’re here.’


‘What we got?’ asked Detective Harrison.


The deputy looked to the ground when he looked back up he was visibly upset. ‘We have three dead… one of them.. one-‘


‘It’s ok.’ Said Detective Harrison, he put his hand on the man’s shoulder. ‘Take a deep breath.’


The deputy inhaled deeply he then said. ‘One of the victims was the responding officer he was my friend… sir we have a fucking madman it’s the devil only a demon could do this.’


‘We will get the bastards.’ Reassured Detective Harrison, he handed the deputy his keys for his car. ‘Take a break go sit in my cruiser.’


Detective Harrison continued on he saw crime scene investigators in white suits taking pictures he also saw Dr Fletcher she spotted him too they made a beeline for each other.


‘Detective.’ Said Dr Fletcher. ‘Has your captain been informed yet?’


‘I called him he is on his way.’ Replied Detective Harrison.


‘I don’t think he should be here.’ Stated the doctor, he looked deeply concerned.


‘Why?’ asked the detective. ‘He is the commander of homicide he needs to be here.’


‘You’ve been told the first responder was killed?’


‘Yeah.’ Replied the detective. ‘A deputy just told me.’


‘Well that the thing.’ Said Dr Fletcher. ‘The first responder was Deputy Gerald Talbert he’s the captains nephew.’


‘Oh fucking hell.’ Swore Detective Harrison, he pulled out his mobile phone and dialled the captains number it rang out then went to voicemail.


‘A moment please.’ Said the detective, the doctor nodded her understanding. The detective then went back to the police cordon he addressed the deputies. ‘When the captain gets here you don’t let him through and you call for me you got it?’


‘How?’ asked one of the deputies with an incredulous look. ‘He is ranking officer.’


‘His brothers boy has been killed.’ Said the detective, he gestured to the medical examiner. ‘He is lying over there I am not going to let the man’s last image of his nephew seeing his mutilated corpse got it?’


‘Got it, sir.’ Answered the deputy.


‘Here take my phone.’ He handed the officer his mobile. ‘Keep trying him.’


Detective Harrison then walked back over to the medical examiner. ‘What we got?’


‘You better see for yourself.’ Replied Dr Fletcher, she gestured for him to follow. They closed with the abandoned police cruiser and lying in front of it was a body covered with a silver foil blanket. The medical examiner pulled the foil blanket down showing that the officer had nearly been split in two.


‘The poor boy.’ Said the detective.


‘That’s not all of it.’ Stated Dr Fletcher. ‘It looks like the killer taunted the police response time.’


Detective Harrison’s faced screwed up in confusion. ‘What do you mean have we spoken with the killer?’


‘No, detective.’ Said Dr Fletcher, she then took the foil blanket off completely. ‘But the killer left a message.’


Detective Harrison felt his gorge rise in his throat as he saw what the medical examiner meant. Looping out of the fallen officers stomach were his intestines like coils of sausages. The murderer had left a gruesome message for them written in the officers intestines was two words “Too late!” The sick bastard had even taken the time to roll up part of the man’s guts into a ball for the point of the exclamation mark.


The detective had to look away he looked behind him and saw another foil blanket which was no doubt covering another body, there was a pool of blood that was leaking out from beneath the foil blanket.


‘Whose under there?’ asked the detective, gesturing to the foil blanket.


‘Half of the victim who prompted the 911 call.’ Replied Dr Fletcher


‘Half?’ Said the detective, he looked back to the medical examiner. ‘We are dealing with one sick bastard whose the ranking police officer here?’


Dr Fletcher gestured behind the detective he turned to see a sergeant walk out of the house that was part of the murder scene. As the sergeant was walking over the medical examiner recovered the fallen officers body.


‘Sergeant Webber.’ Said the man, holding out his hand.


‘Detective Harrison.’ He shook the sergeants hand. ‘What you got so far?’


Sergeant Webber took a long look at the foil blanket covering the captains nephew then shook his head to clear it. ‘We got two 911 calls from the neighbours they were frantic talking about a man following someone down the street dragging an axe.’


‘Officer Talbert got the call he was told to assess the situation from what we’ve pieced together from the neighbours he confronted the killer on the driveway.’ The sergeant gestured to the foil blanket. ‘The killer was dragging half of one of the victims out the house.’


‘It was a brave thing he did.’ Said Detective Harrison, he was trying to make the sergeant feel better but he also meant it. ‘We join the force to protect people Officer Talbert gave his to protect people.’


‘It was a brave thing.’ Agreed the sergeant. ‘I am just dreading facing his uncle or father.’


‘Don’t worry about it I got that covered.’ Replied the detective, in a consoling expression. ‘I will let them know.’


‘Thank you detective.’ Said the sergeant, he looked visibly relieved.


‘What else do you know about what happened here so far?’ asked Detective Harrison.


‘I have talked to the neighbours.’ Replied the sergeant, he gestured to the half of the man on the ground then to the open door of the house. ‘The man who was being followed tried to get into the house but he was locked out, right when the killer was about to take his head off the landlady Ms Peavey opened the door.


‘Ms Peavey took an axe to the face then we can only assume that the killer turned his attention to the original target, killing him then splitting him in half. The neighbours saw the killer calmly dragging half of the victim out by his ankle. Officer Talbert opened fire but the fucker was too quick he took him down with the axe.’


‘Do we have any idea of who the man is?’ asked the detective.


‘We don’t know yet.’ Replied Sergeant Webber. ‘I have officers searching the house as we speak the neighbours did mention that Ms Peavey was in the habit of renting rooms out to medical students.’


Detective Harrison’s eyes popped out on stalks he looked to Dr Fletcher who was thinking the same thing but neither of them got a chance to verbalise what they were thinking.


‘What do you mean you won’t let me through!’ bellowed the voice of Captain Talbert.


Detective Harrisons eyes widened in horror he turned around to see his superior jostling with four police officers who were trying like hell to hold Captain Talbert back.


The detective looked to the sergeant.  ‘I need your help he can’t see him like this.’


‘You got it.’ Replied the sergeant.


Together Detective Harrison and the sergeant rushed over to Captain Harrison who was livid swearing blue murder at the officers. ‘Get off me right now or so help me god!’


‘Alright boys let him go.’ Said Detective Harrison as they closed with the scuffle, reluctantly they let the captain go.


‘What are you playing at John?’ Captain Talbert straightened down his ruffled suite. ‘They said you ordered them not to let me in why would you do that?’


‘I am sorry you can’t be here captain.’ Soothed Detective Harrison, in as much of a calm voice as he could manage he gestured away from the crime scene. ‘Let’s go take a walk.’


‘I am your superior.’ Growled the captain. ‘You better goddamned tell me why or so help me I will brain you.’


‘It’s Gerri, sir.’ Said Detective Harrison, softly he looked back at the crime scene then back to his captain. ‘It’s Gerri.’


‘What do you mean its Gerri?’ Captain Talbert looked confused then his head darted back like he had been struck. ‘You mean my brothers Gerri?’


Detective Harrison nodded slowly. ‘The killer-‘


‘No!’ bellowed the captain in horror as he suddenly realised, he tried to force himself through the officers who grappled with him again.


The captain delivered a thunderous right cross to the jaw of one of the officers sending him sprawling to the floor. The three others moved to take him down but he pulled out his sidearm and threatened to shoot them they back off and he made his move. The captain made it through the cordon and closed with the police cruiser he nearly reached him but Detective Harrison and Sergeant Webber jumped on the captains back and halted him physically then a deputy wrestled the gun out of the captains hand.


‘Get the fuck off me!’ roared the captain, trying with all his might to shrug them off. ‘Get off me right now I have to see him.’


‘Please don’t, sir.’ Said Detective Harrison. ‘I can’t let you.’


‘How can I look my brother in the eye and tell him his boy is dead.’ The captain began to sob. ‘How can I tell Paul his sons dead if I didn’t have the heart to look at Gerri’s body, John I know you’re trying to help me but I need this I need it.’


‘You can’t touch him ok.’ Said Detective Harrison, the captain nodded then the detective and the sergeant let the captain go.


Detective Harrison gestured for Dr Fletcher to uncover Officer Talbert once more, she did so Captain Talbert sunk to his knees and began to cry profusely. Through sobbing and dry heaving the captain managed to say. ‘What did they do to my nephew he didn’t deserve this.’


‘No he didn’t.’ put in Detective Harrison, he got to his knees beside his captain and put his arm around him. ‘We will get the bastard.’


Captain Talbert visibly tried to calm himself down he wiped the tears away with his hand he just knelt there for several minutes staring at the mutilated corpse of his nephew.


‘You know he only joined up because of me and his old man.’ Said Captain Talbert, his voice barely above a whisper. ‘I was so proud on his graduation day it felt like he was my son and now look at him all messed up like this.’


Detective Harrison looked up to the medical examiner. ‘Alright cover him up, Alice.’


Dr Fletcher knelt down beside the detective and the captain, with careful slowness she recovered the body of Officer Talbert she then hugged Captain Talbert. ‘I am so sorry, Albert.’


‘Thank you Alice.’ Replied the captain, he then turned to his colleagues. ‘I am sorry for how I reacted and sergeant please tell your boys I am sorry.’


‘Its fine captain.’ Replied Sergeant Webber. ‘They understand anyone of us would have reacted the same way I will give you gentleman a minute.’


Sergeant Webber gestured for Dr Fletcher to follow, she hugged Captain Talbert once more then stood up and moved off with the sergeant.


‘I will inform Gerri’s family.’ Said Detective Harrison. ‘I will do it right after we leave here.’


‘Thanks John.’ Replied Captain Talbert. ‘I appreciate the gesture but I will do it.’


‘How will they take it?’


‘His Paul will understand.’ Replied the captain. ‘His mother never wanted him to join she will blame me and Paul.’ Captain Talbert got to his feet. ‘I wish we could have dissuaded him.’


‘You can’t blame yourself.’ Said Detective Harrison. ‘How many people did your nephew help each day when on duty how many people are safe because of him?’


Captain Talbert nodded his thanks. ‘He was a good kid and an outstanding police officer.’


‘And remember what he did here.’ Said Detective Harrison. ‘He confronted a killer dragging half of a corpse your nephew died in the line of duty we can all be proud of that.’


‘Did I ever tell you my dad died in the line of duty?’ asked Captain Talbert.


‘I never knew you had a father.’ Joked the detective, he knew he needed levity at a time like this. ‘Hell I thought you just sprung from the ground.’


The captain laughed. ‘My father interrupted a burglary in progress they shot him down.’


‘I can’t imagine what you went through.’ Said Detective Harrison. ‘With all due respect should you stay here, sir?’


‘I need to be here.’ Replied Captain Talbert. ‘I need to have something before I face his folks so tell me what we got?’


Detective Harrison turned to see Sergeant Webber walking back their way. ‘Sergeant can you catch the captain up?’


Sergeant Webber spent the next few moments outlining what they knew so far about what had happened from the first reports up until when his nephew was murdered.


‘I can see the link between med student and the nurse.’ Said Captain Talbert. ‘But we need to get a positive ID on the man to confirm it.’


‘I have a few officers going through the house.’ Said Sergeant Webber. ‘We’ve turned up nothing though.’


Captain Albert looked down to the foil covering half of the second victim. ‘Have we checked his pockets?’


‘No sir.’ Replied Sergeant Webber.


‘That’s where I keep my ID.’ Captain Talbert turned to Dr Fletcher. ‘Alice please check the man’s pockets.’


Dr Fletcher got to her knees she pulled back the foil blanket covering the man then she started going through the man’s pocket, after a moment she fished out a wallet and handed it to the captain. The captain opened the wallet and took out a hospital ID card he seemed lost for words.


‘Sir?’ asked Detective Harrison.


‘I don’t believe it.’ Whispered the captain. ‘His name is Dr Andrew Panacea.’


‘Like the patient at the health centre.’ Said Detective Harrison. ‘Panacea that can’t be a common name can it?’


‘It looks like we have a potential motive.’ Replied Captain Talbert. ‘This is way out of our league this sick son of a bitch is a potential serial killer I am going to call in the FBI. I want you to drag Matthews off of whatever woman he is hanging out of and I want you to look into every Panacea family member they are potential targets. We are to keep the identity of the victims confidential until I receive advice from the feds.’


‘I don’t know if it’s worth mentioning.’ Said Sergeant Webber. ‘I’ve just been speaking to my officers who’ve finished canvassing the neighbours again. According to the neighbours the suspect was wearing hospital scrubs and a green apron.’


‘My god.’ Said Captain Talbert, his jaw dropped he and Detective Harrison shared an uneasy look. ‘The killer was wearing medical attire in the hospital that’s why we couldn’t get an ID on the killer the motherfucker could have just waltzed out of the hospital dressed as staff.’


‘That’s not the only thing.’ Said the sergeant. ‘The killer was wearing some kind of Halloween mask it looked to be some kind of woman’s face.’


‘That wasn’t a Halloween mask, sergeant.’ Captain Talbert’s blood ran cold. ‘The killer at the health centre sawed off a nurse face. We have the same killer here too he actually wore his victims face to the next murder.’


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