


Don't for a MINUTE believe the SHOCKING audio of Trump saying some risque things in private is the last gasp from the media. You know, the media that is trusted to report the news, not propagandize and exploit minor issues into full blown topics of converstation and controversy?

Not even close. They will coordinate and TROLL THE FUCK out of some other minor issue soon, just watch. Did you notice that the Clinton-ending Wikileaks dump that was supposed to happen on Oct 3rd was delayed until Friday October 7th, and on the same day the entire media decided to report Trumps "pussy" audio tape, and ignore the damaging Wikileaks information?

Don't worry, they have more, A LOT MORE. Trump lived his life as a rich New York playboy, and had a great time doing it, not a carefully constructed narrative fit for public office. There will be MORE. I anticipate: strip clubs, group sex, drug use, and things like that. I wouldn't be surprised, that's what I would do if I was rich and had women falling all over me.

Hillary is so awful and a terribly flawed candidate, the media has no choice but to bash Trump for the smallest things 24 hours a day, as there job is to destroy people, not report news anymore. Mitt Romney was actually a nice man, a back-stabber, but originally a pretty good Mormon guy, and the media TRASHED him so that he was none other than the brother of Satan himself. They'll do the same with Trump, as they already have.

Hillary: From recent crimes to past crimes.

  • Pay-to-play political slush fund in which she sold gov't services for foreign and domestic donation.
  • An illegal email server at her home that compromised national security.
  • Felony to destroy subpoenaed evidence by the FBI and Congress. Martha Stewart went to prison for just 1 lie to the FBI.
  • Negligence lead to the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi, Libya.
  • Clintons tanked the economy in the 90s (realized in 2007) by forcing housing lenders to give to unqualified applicants, as an S.J.W. initiative.
  • Bill Clinton's impeachment for lying under oath in the Monica Lewinsky affair.
  • Bill Clinton settled rape allegations to Paula Jones.
  • Bill and Hillary concealed and attacked other rape victims.

I have little doubt despite the massive amount of felonies she is guilty of, and the crimes that she has commited, she will probably actually win the election. Obama cheated and disenfranchised both state and federal opposition to public office. He did the same to Hillary. Hillary cheated her way past Bernie Sanders, and to think that both her and Obama are going to get defeated and their policies wiped off the map seems hard to imagine.

So be prepared for the Clinton garbage truck to dump all sorts of salacious things on us, and watch the Hitler-like media spasm their way through it all.


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