We're only human.
We're only human, you're only human, I'm only human....whichever. It's a very regular part of our vocabulary. Am I the only one that can't stand to hear it anymore? Why is that Deunan? Thanks for asking! It's because I feel that those sayings are......hmm....a cop out, taking the easy way out, making excuses.......used too fucking often!!!!
I didn't get an A on my paper....you're only human.
I have trouble dealing with life.....I'm only human.
Nobody's perfect.....we're only human.
And the list goes on and on. It's a constant reminder that we are not perfect. Rather than strive for perfection we constantly slap ourselves in the face with the fact that we can't achieve it. I call bullshit.
Here's a simple example for the less bright ones; You have a daughter, you constantly tell her she can't do anything right, her whole life. Guess what? That becomes the case. As a race we are constantly telling ourselves the SAME EXACT THING. We need to stop it!