What movies should I steal??
Should have thought of this when I wrote the television show one! Same situation---moving, no cable in the new house, need shit to watch so I don't go insane.
What are some fantastic movies to download? I own a crap load of films, but am always looking to expand the collection. (I think that, between the legit purchases and the downloaded off the pirate bay ones, I'm pushing somewhere near 600-650+) I would obviously own the "must haves" of cinema, but what are some solid gems that are not very popular or are so cult-cool that everyone should see it? I'm open to any suggestions: classics, horror, sci-fi, comedy, drama...whatever. A little off topic, but if anyone knows any decent Liverpool FC videos to try for, please include those as well.
Thanks again for helping me out people! I look forward to reading your suggestions.
-The Big Bad