Dude Schools Police Officers on the Law, Gets Them to...
- That’s embarrassing.
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DoorDash Driver Gets into Minor Fender Bender,...
- The cops don’t really care if you’re “in the...
NYPD Cop Strips Down and Dances on Pole in Music Video
- You won’t see any complaints from me about this.
Man Sets Fire to His House to Stop Deputies From...
- Can’t evict someone from their house if there’s no...
Cop Accidentally ODs on Fentanyl After Smoking Drugs...
- Wow. We found the one cop who genuinely OD’d on...
Sheriff’s Deputy Gets Caught Shoving Woman Leaving...
- The Sacramento County sheriff's deputy is now on...
Climate Activists Glue Their Hands to a Road, But...
- Well that didn’t go as planned.
Man Films His Own Arrest, Including Himself Getting...
- It’s always nice when the criminal collects his own...
Woman Locks Boyfriend in Storage Unit. Listen to His...
- She’s being charged with attempted murder.
Watch a Russian War Protester Get Arrested in Two...
- Her sign literally just read “two words.”
Meth Head Does Very Bad Job of Convincing Cops He...
- Take a few deep breaths, man.
Someone Tried to Smuggle Coke Into Amsterdam Under...
- And, spoiler alert, it didn’t work.
Magnet Fishers Discover Land Mine, Then the Police Get...
- Shouldn’t you really just leave land mines where...
Police Are Doing Raids in Costume Again
- This time, it’s a capybara.
Woman Gets Arrested for Trying to Use Cop Car Like an...
- She wanted a ride in the back of a cop car, and she...
Man Running From Cops Is Caught After Getting Stuck in...
- Santa looked a little different this year!
Dude Trying to Run from Cops Gets Hit By a Car and...
- Well, that couldn’t have gone much worse.
Security Guard Goes On a Power Trip, Gets Reminded...
- Aww, could baby not pass the Police Academy?
Cop Gets Caught Shooting at Unarmed Suspect, Then...
- It could happen to anyone… right?
Cops Chase Down Drug-Dealing Suspect While on Horseback
- Is that why they’ve got horses?
Cop Apprehends Suspect by Giving Him a Little Tickle
- Goochie goochie goo, it’s off to jail for you!
Guy Gets So Mad About $10 Seat Belt Ticket That He...
- You know you’re just making this more expensive,...
Cops Are Now Doing TikTok Reviews of Their Favorite...
- Everybody wants to be an influencer these days.
Boomer Learns Through Force That You Can’t Smoke...
- Light up, get lit up.
Drunk Man Tries to Flee Cops, Runs Into Glass Door
- Sometimes, foiling crooks doesn’t take much.
Another Dude Wiped the Snow Off His Car with a Baby
- Well…that’s not good.
Police Get Into Chase With Dude on Power Scooter
- And they don’t exactly win, either.
Guatemalan Cops Caught Being Out of Their Minds on...
- Drugs? Alcohol? Both? I don’t know, but these guys...
Sheriff Arrested After Drunkenly Showing Up to Man’s...
- He’s since been indicted on two charges.
People Trying to Buy Weed Accidentally Go to Canada,...
- When you hit the border, don’t mention that you were...
Chinese Police Use Hurricanranas to Apprehend Suspects
- What’s going on over there?
Man Almost Makes Incredible and Stupid Escape from Cops
- Guys, how are you not seeing him?
Police Try to Pull Man Out of Vehicle, Tase Him, Then...
- Police aren’t trained to deal with super humans.
Watch a Driver Decide to Stop Driving Drunk
- It’s the right move.
Cop Takes Dude’s Firework, Makes Situation Worse,...
- In fairness, I don’t know what I’d do in this...
Cop Tries to Hop in Back of a Convertible, Falls Right...
- He didn’t think that one through.
L.A. Sheriffs Randomly Beat the Shit Out of a Dude,...
- In fairness, the man *did* have an air freshener in...
Woman’s DUI Arrest Video Will Make You Fall in Love
- Can you fix her?
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