Police Carry Out Drug Raid Dressed as the Grinch
- He’s ruining Christmas (if your Christmas involves...
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Woman Calls the Cops Because There Was a Spider in Her...
- Tax dollars well spent!
The 10 Most Daring Robberies in History
- 'Oceans Eleven' could never.
Airports Cancel Drug Investigation Program Because...
- They’re not getting their money back, though. Sorry!
Protestor Fends Off Cops with Firework Cannon
- Use what you’ve got, I guess.
Cops Arrest Thieves Casually Walking Out with Cash...
- You guys…didn’t really think this one out, did you?
25 Top Secret Facts about the Federal Bureau of...
- Facts about the Federal Bureau of Investigations to...
Cop Eats It While Slowly Chasing After Suspect
- He almost had him!
We May Never Know the Truth: 25 Mysteries That We Are...
- There is just something about a good mystery. And with...
Man Accidentally Enters Real-Life ‘GTA’ Situation
- If you see a car crash, trying to help is the best...
Teen Kicks His Way Out of Interrogation Room
- One of the many downsides of drywall!
Drivers Beware: Police Can Now Lasso Your Car
- If you thought you could drive away, think again.
Brazilian Cops Film Themselves Racing and Crashing...
- What else can you do to pass the time on a slow night?
Watch a Bunch of Cops Try and Fail to Bike Up a Hill
- C’mon, just push a little further!
Italian Family Caught Selling Cocaine Out of a Bucket...
- Quick, pull the bucket up before they catch you!
Woman Running From Cops Slams Into Pole
- Not the best getaway route!
Police Catch Man Hiding from Them in a Couch
- Believe it or not, the “Frank Reynolds” strategy...
Streamers Pull Up Cop’s Record Right in Front of...
- The police have a lot of power over you, and boy, do...
Traffic Cop Tries to Stop Car, Goes for a Ride on the...
- Traffic cops are at an inherent disadvantage when...
Man Builds Jet-Ski Scooter, and the Police Really Want...
- Ingenuity ain’t rewarded like it used to be, but...
Dudes Pulled Over By Police Find Out They’re Going...
- In response to seeing the camera, these people begin...
The Toronto Joker Got Swatted Live on Stream
- I have to admit, he looked pretty cool.
Drunk Florida Deputy SHOCKED to Learn Her Actions Have...
- She was so desperately trying to get a 'fellow cop...
24 Agency Secrets Leaked by CIA and FBI Agents
- Common people aren't supposed to know this.
Cop Caught Planting Evidence On Driver after Arresting...
- What’s the difference between a...
14 Former Inmates Share Their Stories About Life...
- Most of us have never and will never spend time behind...
20 Bizarre Things That Are Illegal But Not Ethically...
- Law is mostly for the good of the general people. But...
19 Still-Unsolved Mysteries That People Can't Stop...
- We've collected a list of 25 unsolved mysteries that...
Entitled Police Officer Gets Owned by Maliciously...
- After pulling this driver over for properly stopping...
When Crooked Cops Realize the Jig is Up and They're...
- Today we will be taking a look at one of the biggest...
Ring Camera Catches Woman’s Terrifying Experience...
- "I didn't know what was going to happen to my girls,"...
TikTok Prankster Gets Arrested after Taking a Swim in...
- Seeing as there's only one way to get soaking wet in...
Christian Man Visits 24hr Massage Parlor and Calls the...
- "She tried to grab my gentles, she's going to jail,"...
The Shocking Moment a Cop Realizes There’s A Body In...
- Bodycam footage during a routine traffic stop shows...
Cop Calls Kid's Dad to Come Pick Him Up After He...
- "Probably the first wholesome police related video...
French Protestors Take Down Squad of Riot Cops With...
- It's 1-0, in tripwire vs. French police state.
Cop With Rumble Strips Makes Most Pathetic Attempt of...
- A chase in Southern California featured the LAPD and...
Guy Rips a Massive Fart After Finding Out He Was Being...
- Moments after learning that he was being charged with...
Serial Litterer Cop Who Filled NYC Streets With Pages...
- “I need to stress to those who have yet to...
Cops Called for "Body in the Trunk," But It's Just a...
- "That went from “homicide” to 'Oh my wig!' real...
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