Triathlete Asks Camera Not to Film Her Butt Because...
- This is why she’s a winner, folks!
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22 Odd and Unusual Tattoo Choices, Most People Don't...
- These people might have some permanent regrets.
28 Shameful People Who Should Be Perma-Banned From...
- Customers who make it clear by their actions they...
Parents’ Wedding Video Ruined By Horse Who Won’t...
- Nothing makes a wedding more memorable than a bit of...
Woman Gets Farted Off Her Horse
- I’ll be honest, I didn’t think this was possible.
I Hope They Got a Refund: 19 Tattoos That are...
- From poor selection to poor artistry, these people...
Take a Look Inside Some of the World’s Dirtiest Frat...
- You can almost smell ‘em through the screen!
Man Throws Up from Top Floor of Shopping Mall
- As if your trip to Abercrombie couldn’t smell any...
Orca Takes a Dump, Then Sprays SeaWorld Guests With...
- To me, this is just the orca exacting revenge.
Guy Proposes While Child Takes a Piss Behind Him
- Hey, uh, could you do that somewhere else?
Cowboys Fan Vomits on Ground While Lions Fans Griddy...
- Proud to be an American!
Sports Fan Gets a Head Full of Vomit
- You’ve gotta try to get all of the vomit out of your...
Women Spit on Tourists, Call It a ‘Spiritual...
- If you like being spit on, it only costs a dollar in...
'Why I Hate Flying' - 26 Airline Passengers No One...
- A batch of travelers who lack common decency and make...
Had to Hold My Breath: 22 of the Most Disgusting...
- As a society, we do not appreciate janitors, maids, or...
23 Disgustingly Dirty Things That Need a...
- There comes a point where sanitation trumps all else,...
24 Cringe Pics You Can't Unsee
- Let the cringe flow through you.
28 College Students Share Their Roommate Horror Stories
- Next year, you may wanna grab a single.
This Might Be The Most Cursed Burger Ever
- Before you ask, no, this isn’t a conspiracy theory,...
17 Poor Souls Who Got Absolutely Wrecked by the...
- We all have experienced tough moments, crappy...
Literally the Worst: 24 Women Share the Things Men Do...
- It's an open secret that men often get on women's...
New York’s Former Mayor Filmed Himself Pouring...
- Someone explain to me what’s going on here.
Post-BBL Surgery Transit Ain’t the Prettiest
- If you get surgery, you need someone to take you there...
TikTokers Are Covering Their Faces In Oh No, Not That
- Okay, I might be in favor of that TikTok ban after all.
Someone Please Stop This Woman From Feeding Squirrels...
- Just toss the nuts on the ground, for the love of God!
22 Facepalm Worthy Photoshop Fails that Cracked Us Up
- These people should just delete their social media at...
World Record Carrot Eating is Not Fun to Watch
- I don’t care if this man is serious or not — I...
Sugar Daddy TikTok Is Incredibly Awkward
- You’ve got to pay for all her things *and* do TikTok...
Andrew Tate Got Raided
- The Top G has been locked up.
‘Carnivore Dieters’ Really Need to Stop Eating Raw...
- I get that you guys want to eat raw meat all the time,...
This ‘Cinnamon Roll Sloppy Joe With Bacon’ Is an...
- Let me lay it out for you: It’s a sloppy joe with...
Watching an Ostrich Eat a Whole Carrot Feels Illegal
- Why this man opted to feed the ostrich a whole carrot,...
Dude Covers ‘Don’t Speak’ by No Doubt with Hand...
- His nuance and timing is incredible, with the...
Woman Finds Out It’s Not Normal to Poop in the Ocean
- Peeing is one thing, but an ocean poo? Too far.
Dude Spills Blue Cheese On His Car, Accidentally...
- The thing about mold is that, once it starts growing,...
29 People And Their Terrible Tattoos that Equal a...
- What were they thinking?
Funny Tweets: J.K. Rowling's People Offer 'No Comment'...
- Has Rowling's brain simply succumbed to a particularly...
Not Even Close - 20 Photoshop Fails That Range from...
- A collection of terrible Photoshops from the world...
24 People Share the Grossest Things They’ve Ever...
- You'll probably need eye bleach after this one.
The Mayor of Paris Actually Swam in the Poop River
- Well, she really did it.
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