Karens Made a Fake Gov't Agency to Threaten Anyone...
- They're super cereal...seriously.
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Airport Karen Refuses to Listen to Vital Information...
- Congratulations, Karen - you played yourself.
25 People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- These went right over their heads.
Mia Khalifa Is Having a Rough Time Being an Anti-Porn...
- No other pornstar has risen or fallen as quickly as...
Karen Gets Mad at Pregnant Delivery Driver, Husband...
- It turns out this Karen did have a reason to be...
Rude Karen Follows Guy Into Men's Bathroom Before...
- Serious, WTF Karen?!
Karen Confuses Don King With Martin Luther King Jr
- I did your speech in high school! oh no!
Biological Warfare Specialist Explains Why You Should...
- Take it from an expert, that pool in Las Vegas is way...
Friends Watch in Awe as a Young "Karen" Breaks up with...
- Future Karen dumps guy and he should be happy with...
Rude Karen Gets More Than She Bargained For at Walmart
- Hell hath no fury like an angry Nonna!
Karen Gets Trolled by Gentle Giant at Grocery Store
- Hey, Karen here's a quick life tip: not all strangers...
26 Clever Comments That Smacked People Down
- There is such a thing as the perfect response.
The Fear in Karen's Eyes When She's Caught Coughing on...
- Her look at the end is one of someone who's about to...
Angry Parking Lot Protector Gives Asian Guy a Piece of...
- The Karens and Nancy's have declared that it is time...
Drunk Karen Demands To Know Who Driver Is Picking Up
- Driving Lyft for the night and I went to pick up a...
Karen Keeps Coming For More Even After Dude She...
- After initially indulging her BS for a few, this guy...
Rude Karen Startles Young Woman, Gets Smacked Hard
- Oh, this is just SO good.
Guy Makes Cashier Cry Just by Being Nice
- Poor girl, it must've been a rough day.
How a Police Ride Along Radicalized a Young Man
- If you have ever know someone in law enforcement or...
Karen Nearly Gets Most of Her Roaming Charges...
- It's a great lesson in not being rude to the people...
This Might Be The First 'Male Karen' Video We've Seen
- This man called the cops on two peaceful protestors.
Someone Actually Found the Million Dollar Treasure...
- The chest, filled with gold and jewelry , was...
23 Vanilla Posts From White Twitter
- These go down like a warm glass of milk.
The Time Dave Chappelle Schooled a Brooklyn 'Karen' on...
- Dave Chappelle can cut straight through the bs and get...
Dude Steps In After Rude Karen Tries Stealing TP From...
- I definitely don't miss the "TP hoarding" phase we...
Guy Defeats Karen by Using Strategic Why-olence
- Oh Karen, why are you like this?
Investment Club Karen's Hostile Takeover Gets Artfully...
- Ok, so her name was actually Pat, but her behavior is...
51 Funny Memes To Laugh And Smile At
- Laugh away your troubles in 51 funny memes.
Sidewalk Susan Shuts Down Kid's Chalk Drawings with a...
- Sidewalk Susan is back at it again doing her part to...
43 Funny Memes To Add To Your Stash
- Start the week with the biggest smile on your face,...
Karen Tries to Get 'Waiter' Arrested for Assault, Gets...
- Clearly, Karen never counted on cameras recording...
Woman's Husband Defends Her From Rude Karen as Only a...
- I swear I think Karens of the world just believe...
Husky Tries to Talk His Way out of Trouble after...
- Lalalalalala...I can't hear you Karen! A husky with an...
Tech Support Call Karen's Bluff and Deletes Her Website
- She did ask for it, so she only has herself to blame....
Yes, President Trump Just Shared A Dancing Pallbearer...
- Joe Biden needs to step up his meme game. 2020 is a...
57 Funny Memes That Are Pretty Funny, Trust Me Dude
- Enjoy a fresh selection of memes to start the week...
Woman Has Entire Life Ruined after Refusing to Put Her...
- Dog leashes are there for the safety of humans too, it...
Karen's Short Joke Makes an Angry Little Umpire Storm...
- That short joke from Karen seems to have sent him over...
20 Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip
- Beggars and Karens who need a dose of reality.
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