22 Classically Candid Photos of Rockers Before They...
- Before they hit the stage, they had to hit third...
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Headbanging and Fuzzy Sweaters: Welcome to the World...
- If you love heavy metal and knitting, you better get...
Band Starts Album Tour by Apologizing for Their...
- It’s a pretty funny problem to have.
25 Vintage '80s Pics of People Carrying Boomboxes...
- *presses play*
Kids Discuss ‘How Hard They’re Going to Go in...
- How hard would you rave for Jesus? It’s a tough...
Dude Covers ‘Don’t Speak’ by No Doubt with Hand...
- His nuance and timing is incredible, with the...
21 Cool Pics Remembering Jack Russell and Great White
- No one ruled the '80s Sunset Strip quite like Great...
RZA’s Deleted Guitar Center Commercial Has Him...
- RZA is one of the greatest producers of all time, but...
23 Old-School Photos of The Rolling Stones Partying...
- You can't always get what you want, but you can at...
24 Fresh and Funny Tweets to Put the Day on Pause
- Fun for the whole family ... and by "the whole family"...
Steve Aoki Made an EDM Remix of the ‘Pirates of the...
- If you think you’re at the bottom, you can always go...
22 Photos of Lady Rockers From the '80s
- We Love Rock ’n’ Roll.
Mongolian Horse Rave Will Have You Stomping, Neighing,...
- Who’s got a horse I can borrow?
27 Hilariously Awkward Celebrity Yearbook Photos We...
- What these stars looked like for their school pictures.
19 Accidental Eminem Lyrics Spotted in the Wild
- On May 31st, Eminem released "Houdini," his 11th...
21 Photos of '80s Hair Metal Bands That Poked a Hole...
- *coughs* ROCK ON! *coughs*
28 Photos of '90s Ravers That Will Rock Your Kandi Off
- PLUR = Peave, Love, Unity, Respect.
21 Candid Pre-Show Pics of Musicians Backstage
- Take a glimpse behind the music.
15 Rappers Who Should Have Used Google Before Writing...
- Even the most fire verses could use a fact check or...
21 Memes and Reactions to Kendrick Lamar's Drake Diss...
- Mess with the GOAT you get the horns.
37 Cringey Images To Remind You How Lame Metal Can Be
- Metal can be badass. No debating that. BUT, sometimes...
18 Comparisons of Time to Change Your Perception
- Facts that go against our natural perception of time.
Artist Imagines What Celebrities Who Died Young Would...
- The project titled, "If Nothing Had Happened,"...
21 Old School Celebrity Photos Pulled from the History...
- We take a look back at some of the most intriguing...
'Planet of the Bass' Makes a Late Run For Song of the...
- If you like Euro disco that feels like it is straight...
Girl's Wingstop Meltdown Gets Turned Into a Heavy...
- Get that woman her food, asap!
‘It’s Pissing Me Off’: ‘Miranda Lambert Halts...
- Looking for that perfect mid-concert...
'If Your Wife Was in Section 331': Cheater Gets...
- Do you think she's cheating?
The Soundtrack to Sonic Frontiers Had No Business...
- The soundtrack is surprisingly kickass and goes...
Prince Footage Unearthed and It’s Absolutely...
- As implausible as it may seem, the news footage...
MAGA Rapper Trump's Nephew Releases Anti-Target...
- Holy shit. We used to be a proper country.
18 Awful Celebs That Are Well Liked Since Their Deaths
- Should we forgive them just because they've passed?
Taylor Swift Fans Are In Crisis Mode Over Her New...
- It’s him, hi, he’s the problem it’s him.
Taylor Swift Fans Thought They Bought Front Row Seats,...
- Summer concert season is upon us! The most notable...
Is A.I. Drake a Better Rapper than… Drake?
- As A.I. continues to get more and more sophisticated,...
Miley Cyrus’ ‘Flowers’ Becomes Fastest Song Ever...
- On May 4, Miley Cyrus’ 'Flowers' became the fastest...
‘If I Were a Fish’: TikTok’s Fish Song Will Be...
- Amassing more than 2.1 million likes since hitting the...
Darth Vader Shoulder Rides and All of Twitter's...
- Years after Freddy Mercury sang about his desire to...
Coachella DJ Performs for Empty VIP Event
- Despite Louis the Child’s status as former Coachella...
‘They Don’t Got a Single Song Where They Need to...
- Obviously there are some musicians out there who pride...
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