43 Ice Storms That Turned the World into a Winter...
- There are many people in the world who will tell you...
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Watch a Seagull Eat a Squirrel
- I, uh, didn’t know they could do that.
Train Plows Right Through a Crane
- When you think of transit hazards, “crane”...
A Cybertruck Blew Up in Front of Trump Tower
- And for the first time, it looks like the Tesla...
L.A. Sheriffs Randomly Beat the Shit Out of a Dude,...
- In fairness, the man *did* have an air freshener in...
30 Things That Washed Ashore to Remind Us of Our...
- These are some lucky finds.
Apparently We Barely Avoided Another Serious Plane...
- Hope you’re not doing any travel over the new year!
Gamblers Are Now Buying Rocks in Hopes of Finding...
- Can’t you just play the slots like a normal person?
Did These Idiot Streamers Really Give Zyns to an...
- And if so, why?
31 Animals Cursed With Two Heads By a Vengeful God
- We all know that if we praise the heavens with the...
Onlookers Stop Attempted Kidnapping in Real Time
- And it wasn’t even the first time!
New Mothers Visited by Giant Pop-Tart in Uncomfortable...
- No better way to start your kid’s life than with a...
Kids Release Balloons Into Power Lines, Knock Out...
- The adults should have seen this coming.
Dudes Freak Out After 15-Foot Shark Lands in Their Boat
- This is the appropriate reaction, IMO.
50 Cursed Pics to Traumatize Your Eyeballs
- We all need cursed images to train our brains for the...
This Nuclear Explosion Test Footage Is Incredible
- It’s both beautiful and terrifying.
Inside Spain’s 'Baby Jumping' Festival, Where People...
- If they’re not crushed, they’re blessed for life!
FedEx Driver Single-Handedly Fights Off Porch Pirates
- Porch piracy denied!
21 Unlucky People Having Their Resilience Tested By...
- When s**t hits the fan.
Man Recording Video of a Notoriously Dangerous Bridge...
- Well, it *was* dangerous.
‘Energy Orgasm’ Experts Say They Can Make You Bust...
- No lotion needed!
Police Carry Out Drug Raid Dressed as the Grinch
- He’s ruining Christmas (if your Christmas involves...
People Are Giving Themselves Nightmares with a VR App...
- You guys know you can play “fun” games, right?
Inked With Regret: 26 Terrible Tattoos These People...
- How could anyone think this looks good?
One in a Million Chance - 20 Wild Coincidences That...
- Life is full of amusing accidents.
Dude Gets Caught Making Out With, Then Breaking,...
- Maybe he was just compelled by the sexy spirit of the...
Flaming Van Flies Down Hill, Crashes Into Side of the...
- Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Russian Dude in His Underwear Causes Chaos in Thailand
- Well, it’s not the *worst* thing a tourist has done...
Another Person Has Filmed Themselves Crashing Their...
- Don’t do this, don’t film this — everything...
Retirement Home 'Reindeer Hunt' Has Elderly People...
- Happy holidays!
Car Crashes Into Houston Barbershop
- Three were injured after a car slammed through the...
45 Cursed Randoms Crawling Underneath Your Skin
- Your fix for cursed content has arrived, and we’re...
The 39 Funniest and Dumbest Headlines of the Year
- This year, fake news seems to have faded and been...
Inside the Competition Where Smokers Try to Generate...
- Getting throat cancer in style!
Heavy Winds Rip Apartment Building to Shreds
- And the landlord’s still going to say that the...
A Streamer Locked Themselves in Complete Darkness...
- Surely there’s a better way to get attention than...
38 Vintage Photos of Drunks Blacking Out in Black and...
- Alcohol has always been a huge part of society.
Crane Doing Demolition Destroys Everything But Its...
- Think of it as “two for the price of one.”
Massive Tornado Rips Through California
- Recently, a tornado unexpectedly hit the town of...
50 Cursed Randoms for a Terror-Filled Night's Sleep
- The time of year when the holidays approach is...
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